  • 學位論文


Secular Ethics and Sacred Mission: The Works and Biography of Jiqi Hongchu

指導教授 : 廖肇亨


明清之際的遺民人數為中國歷朝之最,向來備受論者矚目。其中,遺民僧議題雖已頗受關注,然論者大多根據士人記錄或是語錄中特定文獻,著重鼎革當下的世代異變,藉此表現釋門與儒者共通的家國情懷。至於遺民僧的活動與明遺民的異同、定義適切與否以及僧侶獨有的宗教生活、困境以及使命,則少有論及。 本論文試圖透過「以忠孝作佛事」著稱的繼起弘儲相關文獻,梳理其橫跨崇禎、順治、康熙三朝的生平、著作以及思想,進而在遺民視角之外,嘗試建立繼起弘儲的交誼、禪宗思想等議題的討論基礎。根據以上思考,本論文展開下列論題: 第一,繼起弘儲生平及著作考論:依據繼起弘儲相關文獻,整理其六十八年的在家、出家行履,以此為基礎,結合其著作與生命事件,進而還原文本的撰述背景、相關人物以及思想軌跡。 第二,重新梳理繼起弘儲人際交遊:本文以佛門以及俗門區分繼起弘儲交遊網絡,關注僧侶彼此因住錫、宗風、國族情懷產生的交往以及爭鬥,並出仕清廷與否區分士人群體,發掘繼起弘儲與居士來往的交誼因緣、宗教互動、文學唱和,並嘗試梳理繼起弘儲晚年與仕清官員的來往中延請住錫、著作出版、勉勵進學等多樣活動。 第三,探究繼起弘儲禪宗思想與世俗倫理:本文嘗試跳脫遺民視角,揭示繼起弘儲不限明遺民,對士人氣節的敬仰並期許士大夫荷擔世、出世間的家國論述。忠義之外,繼起弘儲論孝,不以出世為大孝,反而立基於世間家庭倫理,時時刻刻銘記出家對家庭的撕裂,並以佛門之姿宣說儒門經典,但依然強調佛門相異於士人的倫理觀。在世俗倫理的思索之外,繼起弘儲身為三峰派第二代祖師,身兼守成以及開創,於禪宗思想繼承三峰派多種思想特徵:經教、綱宗、五家等觀念,立基於自身修行經驗及時代、學人差異,強調平實的本懷,靈活運用各種方便開示學人,不輕易展示特定教法。於三峰家法外,繼起弘儲一生力荷三峰法命,透過說法、出版、協商,護持三峰正法,同時於晚年透過重新詮釋密雲圓悟思想,進而確立三峰派於法系、於思想皆為天童嫡傳。


The great numbers of “the Ming loyalists” in early Qing dynasty always attract researchers’ attention. In this issue, “the Ming loyal monks” have received considerable attention; however, it usually based on the Ming loyalists’ records which quite focused on the resemblance between monks and literatus. As for the differences between the activities of the Ming loyal monks and the Ming loyalists’ definition, consecrated life, dilemma and mission of the monks, there are rarely discussed. According to the new text of Jiqi Hongzhu 繼起弘儲(1605-1672)who was known for the dedication to loyalty and filial piety(以忠孝作佛事), this thesis attempts to sort out his life, writings, and thoughts. Based on the above considerations, this thesis develops the following topics: First, Clarification of Hongzhu's life and writings. With the new text about Hongzhu from JingShan Buddhist Canon(徑山藏)and Suzhou temple, it’s possible to restore his life events and the background of his writings, the relevant figures and thought. Secondly, Redrawing the interpersonal interactions of Jiqi Honzhu: Researchers usually focus on the friendship between Ming loyalists and Hongzhu. The new text, however, reveals the strong connection between Qing officials and Hongzhu. On the other hand, his interaction with current monks also plays an important role. This thesis will explore interactions, struggles, beginning of friendship, religious and literary activities between Hongzhu, monks and literatus. Finally, Exploring secular ethics and the Zen thought and of Jiqi Hongzhu: Hongzhu is known for his loyalty to Ming dynasty and dedication to his parents. This thesis attempts to show his care beyond political standpoint and his unique filial piety. Besides, as the second generation of Sanfeng Sec, Hongzhu’s teaching emphasized on daily practice(平實禪)and skill-in-means 方便, including beating-and shouting 棒喝, Hua-Tou 話頭 and literal zen deriving form Hanyue Fazang Huihong Juefan慧洪覺範 (1071-1128), Tzubai Jenke紫柏真可(1543-1604), and Hanyue Fazang 漢月法藏(1573-1635).In his later years, Hongzhu asserted inheritance of Linji Lineage and reconstructed zen thought of Miyun YuanWu密雲圓悟(1566-1642) in response to criticism from Tiantong Sect.


