  • 學位論文


A preliminary study in ecological risk assessment and case analysis

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


八○年代初期,提出以人為接收者(receptor)的人類健康風險評估,將化學、毒理、模式等領域整合在探討的架構中,環境改變透過食物網及生態弁鄋熄У慼A擴散影響到其他區域乃至人類本身,此為生態風險評估精神的濫觴。 美國先後於1992年及1998年提出以生態系統中生物體為接收者(receptors)的生態風險評估綱要及指引(EPA, 1992;EPA, 1998),提供兩個重要論點:其一,透過有系統的架構執行評估計畫,意欲標準化評估流程以作為決策管理依據;另外,流程區塊中保留研究空間,鼓勵各領域提出新穎的研究方法。 整個過程乃是由管理決策者召集相關學者組成評估團隊與相關團體進行初期規劃凝聚共識,透過資料收集進行評估終點(endpoint)的暴露(exposure)及壓力反應(stressor-response)分析,再將結果整合成生態風險特性界定(ecological risk characterization),提供給管理決策者及相關團體做為管理依據。 本研究藉由回顧美國官方發表文件及學術文獻,希望對生態風險評估架構提出明確的執行依據,並深入探討美國三個水域生態風險評估案例,以具體化評估方法;除此,藉由淡水河流域的兩個生態風險議題---六堵工業區造成的生態風險及管制坪林茶園農藥使用種類以避免當地保育物種滅絕風險,應用生態風險評估架構進行分析以驗證方法的可行性。 生態風險評估發展憑藉的是各領域長期深入的研究成果,如何應用在管理決策中則需要法規的配合,面對當今日益複雜的環境問題,其兼具彈性與深入的架構特性是進行管理決策的有利依據。


In early 1980s, The U.S.A. developed human health risk assessment which took human being as receptor. It integrated various fields like Chemistry, Toxicology, Modeling etc. The environment transmits its influences by means of food web and ecological functions. Eventually, human being will get what they have done to environment. This kind of thinking is the beginning of ecological risk assessment. The U.S.A. published ecological risk assessment framework, which took biological organisms in ecosystem as receptor in 1992. Afterward, in 1998 ecological risk assessment guideline was published. Both raised two important ideas: first, it provides systemic framework to standardize the assessment processes to facilitate management; second, the framework reserves space for scientists to propose new and efficient methods. In the beginning, decision makers organize a planning team including professionals and interested parties. What they do is to get a common goal about implementing. Then, the assessment follows the goal and collects related data to analyze endpoint-related exposure and stressor-effect in the environment. Lastly, ecological risk characterization is provided to decision makers and interested parties as basis of decision making . By means of collecting U.S. published documents and related references, this research attempts to organize an ecological risk assessment technical guideline which supplies clear references in implementing assessment processes. To demonstrate the ideas, three watershed ecological risk assessment case studies in U.S. are discussed. In the end, this research discusses two local cases in Dan-shui river in Taiwan ---the ecological effects of Liu-du industrial zone and controlling pesticides used in tea agriculture in Ping-lin to protect endangered species. Both cases follow the ecological risk assessment technical guideline to test the effectiveness in implementing the framework. Ecological risk assessment depends on long term research in related fields. However, its use in decision making relies on formulation of suitable laws. Faced with the increasingly complicated environment issues nowadays, ecological risk assessment with both flexible processes and advanced research might supply a powerful reference for decision making.


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