  • 學位論文


The Home-Birth Experience of Normal Delivery Mothers with Midwifery Care

指導教授 : 黃璉華


中文摘要 本研究旨在以產婦的觀點,深入了解接受助產照護的產婦於居家生產的生產經驗,以及她們在最初選擇由助產士接生的決策過程。本研究採質性研究,研究對象的選擇採立意取樣法。研究者透過半結構性的會談方式,與研究對象進行約一小時的一對一深度訪談。將訪談過程中,研究對象的語言和非語言行為,寫成敘述體的行為過程紀錄,並以內容分析法進行語言資料的分析。本研究共訪談六位接受助產照護的居家生產的產婦。 研究資料經整理、分析歸納後,其結果顯示經由助產照護的產婦之居家生產經驗可歸納成二大部分:一是選擇居家生產的決策過程;二是居家生產之經驗感受。在決策過程中又可分為:尋求居家生產的動機,與影響抉擇的關鍵因素;至於居家生產之經驗感受則以產前時期與產後時期二階段來討論。 在選擇居家生產的決策過程中的動機部分有對醫院沒有好感;天真浪漫的好奇心;身體情況不允許剖腹產,而醫師又不願協助自然產;認為女人自然生產是天性。在影響抉擇的關鍵因素有衡量危險性;透過專業的諮詢;親友的建議等。 而在居家生產之經驗感受的產前時期可看出產婦得知居家生產的訊息之管道;自信與自決的展現:掌握生產自主權--相信自己可以順利生產與對助產士的信賴,相信會得到專業的協助;以及經由積極的勸說、藉由助產士及錄影帶的說明、善意的掩飾、平安產後再告知等方法作為因應反對意見的策略。產後時期的發現是對自我的重新體認,堅持到底,享受成功;滿意自我的意志力,與待產時堅毅的表現;對母親的愛更深一層;全家參與,共同迎接新生命;樂意分享、積極推廣等感受。 本研究結果呈現出接受助產照護的產婦之居家生產經驗與決策過程,可作為助產人員在臨床照護實務中提供產婦適切的服務依據。


居家生產 助產照護


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the home-birth experience of normal delivery mothers with midwifery care and the decision making process choosing midwifery care in the initial period. The research design is qualitative research method. The subjects were selected by purposive sampling. Semi-structure interview was conducted, by in-depth interview lasted about one hour. Verbatim recordings were made as a narrative process including verbal and non-verbal behavior expressed by the mothers during interview. Content analysis was used to systemically analyze and categorize the verbal behavior. Study results from six subjects can be categorized into two parts. The first one was decision making process of mothers choosing midwifery care, the other was the home-birth experience of normal delivery mothers with midwifery care. The decision making process of choosing midwifery care included the motivations and influencing factors. The home-birth experience included antepartum and postpartum periods. The motivations choosing midwifery care were: 1. uncomfortable feeling about hospital, 2. romantic curiosity, 3. physical condition problems, 4. natural delivery is the instincts. The influencing factors were: 1. measuring the dangerous degree, 2. seek for professional consultation, 3. friends’ advices. In the antepartum phase of the home-birth experience, mothers’ behaviors can be categorized as: 1. search for channels of information of home-birth midwives, 2. express their self-confidence and self-determination. 3. using strategies to cope with the opposite opinions. In the postpartum phase, mothers’ behaviors can be categorized as: 1. persistence brings the success, 2. satisfied with self performance, 3. deeper love to her own mother, 4. the whole family participate in welcome the newborn, 5. pleased to share their experiences. The result of this study revealed the lived home-birth experience and decision making process of normal delivery mothers with midwifery care, it can be applied as references for nurse-midwifery in providing appropriate care to the lying-in women.


midwifery care home-birth


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