  • 學位論文


Interaction of Zinc and Tryptophan in Broiler Chicks

指導教授 : 沈添富


本試驗目的,在於探討不同濃度的鋅與色胺酸飼糧,對雞隻表現之影響,以及鋅和色胺酸在雞隻體內交互作用的關係,用以改善家禽對鋅的利用,提升童子雞的飼料利用效率及生產效率。試驗採3×3複因子設計,飼糧中鋅與色胺酸含量,各分別為低、中、高三個變級,共九種飼糧,中等含量者符合NRC(1994)之需要。試驗1基礎飼糧組成以酪蛋白、玉米與明膠為主,試驗2、3與4則以脫殼大豆粕取代酪蛋白。試驗1的低鋅與色胺酸含量分別為19.3 ppm及0.15%,而試驗2至4則為20.1 ppm及0.13%。中、高等級鋅與色胺酸之飼糧,分別於基礎飼糧中添加40、80 ppm的鋅及0.15及0.30 %的色胺酸,使符合試驗設計。試驗期間,飼糧與飲水均任食,試驗至三週齡結束。試驗的第15天起,連續3天,進行全糞收集,以測定鋅的表面代謝率。試驗結束時,進行心臟採血,以便分析血清中之鋅與色胺酸含量。試驗期間並觀察羽毛的生長狀況。雞隻採血後行頸椎脫臼犧牲,取其左腿脛骨,以備分析骨骼生長性狀。 結果顯示,餵飼低色胺酸的雞隻,其三週齡增重及攝食量,均明顯較餵飼含適量及高色胺酸含量為低。低鋅組之生長雞,其增重表現並不一致,飼糧鋅與色胺酸沒有交感效應。童子雞的飼料利用效率,不受飼糧的鋅與色胺酸含量影響。鋅的表面代謝率與血清鋅含量,顯著受到飼糧的鋅含量影響,餵飼高鋅飼糧的雞隻,其鋅的表面代謝率顯著的較低,而血清鋅含量,則較餵飼含適量及低量鋅者為高。血清色胺酸含量以餵飼低色胺酸飼糧者較低。雞隻的脛骨重量及脛骨鋅濃度,受飼糧的鋅含量影響。童子雞三週齡時的羽毛發育,受到飼糧的鋅與色胺酸含量的影響,當飼糧的鋅或色胺酸含量低,羽毛的生長較含適量及高量者為差。飼糧的色胺酸含量,並不影響童子雞的鋅表面代謝率。


色胺酸 童子雞


The purpose of this study was to determine the different levels of zinc and tryptophan on growth performance and the interaction of zinc and tryptophan in broilers for improving the chicken production efficiency. The experiment was a 3×3 factorial design. The diets contained three levels of zinc and three levels of tryptophan, respectively with low, medium, and high levels. The medium diet was optimal as recommended by NRC (1994). In experiment 1, casein, corn grain, and gelatin were used as basal components in the diet. In experiments 2, 3 and 4, casein was replaced by dehulled soybean meal. The zinc and tryptophan content of basal diet were 19.3 ppm and 0.15%, respectively in experiment 1, while in experiments 2 to 4, there were 20.1 ppm and 0.13%. In the medium and high levels, 40 and 80 ppm zinc and tryptophan 0.15 and 0.3% were, respectively added to the basal diet. Feed and water were provided ad libitum during the experimental period of 3 weeks. At the 15th day after commencement of the experiment, feces were collected for 3 days to determine the apparent metabolizability of zinc. At the termination of the experimrnts, blood samples were taken by cardiac puncture for measuring serum zinc and tryptophan concentration. During the experimental period, feather development of broilers was recorded. After chicks were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, left tibia was removed for determination of zinc content. The results indicated that chicks fed low tryptophan diet had significantly less weight gain and feed intake than those fed adequate or high tryptophan diets. The weight gain of broiler on low zinc groups was inconsistent. There was no interaction between dietary zinc and tryptophan. Feed efficiency was not significantly changed in chicks fed different levels of zinc and tryptophan. Both zinc apparent metabolizability and serum zinc content were significantly affected by dietary zinc levels. Chicks fed the high zinc diet had significantly lower apparent metabolizability and higher serum zinc content than chicks fed medium or low zinc diets. Serum tryptophan was lower in chicks fed low tryptophan diet. The tibia weight and its zinc concentration were affected by dietary zinc levels. Also zinc and tryptophan levels affected feather development of three-week old chicks. When chicks were fed low zinc or low tryptophan diets, feather development was poorer than chicks fed adequate or high zinc and tryptophan diets. The tryptophan levels in the diet could not affect the apparent metabolizability of zinc in broiler chicks.


Zinc tryptophan broiler


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