  • 學位論文

Hylocereus spp. 仙人掌紅龍果之栽培、生育習性及物候調查

Investigations on Culture, Growth Habits and Phenology in Pitaya(Hylocereus spp.)

指導教授 : 林宗賢
共同指導教授 : 顏昌瑞(Chung-Ruey Ten)


半攀附性仙人掌Hylocereus spp. 目前在台灣的栽培面積約有812公頃,主要的栽培地區集中於西南部縣市。多由私人自中南美洲國家引進台灣,由於品系繁多,再加上栽培地區的土壤性質不一,栽培及管理制度不同,造成果實品質及價格變動。在台灣地區,於良好栽培管理制度下,年產量甚至可達45公噸/公頃。栽培上並無重大病蟲害問題,因此,農藥所佔生產成本相對較低,具有其發展力。 在屏東地區以H. spp.仙人掌白肉品系(白肉一號)及紅肉品系(紅肉一、五號)進行試驗調查。結果顯示,三品系於屏東地區的營養生長季約為10月至翌年五月份;而生殖生長季約為四月至十月份。花芽的消蕾及授粉受精不良率,伴隨生殖季高峰及雨季來臨而提高。 Hylocereus屬紅肉五號仙人掌,芽體生成量受不同光度及日/夜溫的影響。四到八月份未遮陰下,以25/20℃及20/15℃下芽體生成量較多,生殖芽亦只萌生於此日/夜溫。八至翌年一月份未遮陰下,營養芽於35/30℃處理之生成量最低;生殖芽於20/15℃處理之生長量最佳;部分呼喚型芽體,則以35/30℃及30/25℃處理之生成量最低。若為遮陰處理,則芽體之生成量皆不理想。 Hylocereus屬紅肉五號仙人掌,一月份進行重度修剪,可提早花芽萌發及延後產期各約二週;對當年生肉質莖開花或結果的比例無影響,但會降低非當年生肉質莖開花或結果的比例。根系主要分佈在土壤表層10公分以內,以三級根(根徑<2 mm)為主。 以屏東地區仙人掌果白肉品系(白肉一號)及紅肉品系(紅肉一、五號)進行開花授粉習性及果實生長之調查。三品系的花朵皆於深夜盛開至翌日早上閉合後萎凋,主要授粉媒介為開花翌晨的蜜蜂。夏季時,花芽由萌發至綻放約需12天,而受精後至果實發育完全約需25天。花芽及果實的生長曲線皆屬單S型。果實特性方面,以白肉一號果實最大,果肉率及硬度最高,紅肉五號次之,而紅肉一號最低;可溶性固形物含量以紅肉五號最高,白肉一號次之,而紅肉一號最低;果實外型方面,白肉一號為長橢圓形呈亮粉色果皮,紅肉五號果型較圓且果皮呈暗紅色,紅肉一號則為扁圓形呈鮮紅色果皮。花粉活力及發芽率以白肉一號為高,紅肉一號最低,花粉活力及發芽率皆於花後12小時顯著下降,尤以紅肉品系降幅更明顯。白肉一號自交之花粉管可生長稚子房完成受精,而紅肉一號自交花粉管生長停滯於花柱末端,紅肉五號則停滯於子房內。紅肉品系經由雜交可提高著果率及果實鮮重,並提高可稔性充實種子所佔的比率。結果顯示白肉一號為自交親和性,而紅肉品系具有自交不親和性現象。


結實 物候 開花 仙人掌果


Semi-climbing cactus (Hylocereus spp.) has been planted for 812 ha in Taiwan and centered in the southwestern places Hylocereus spp. was mostly introduced by the nuseryman from the middle and southern America. Variations in varieties, cultivation and management system result in fluctuation of quality and price. The maximal yield can reach as 45 mt per ha under suitable cultivation system in Taiwan. Very few serious disease and insects occur in the field. Therefore, it is a crop with high potential. Three lines (‘White Pulp No.1’, ‘Red Pulp No.1’ and ‘Red Pulp No. 5’) of Hylocereus spp. grown in Pingtung bloomed in mid-night. The main pollinators were honey bees appeared in the next morning. At summer season, twelve days were needed for the development of flower buds, and twenty-five days for fruits. Development curve were single sigmoid model of flower buds and fruits in pitaya (Hylocereus spp.). ‘White Pulp No. 1’ had the highest fruit weight, pulp ratio and firmness, and ‘Red Pulp No. 1’ were the lowest. ‘White Pulp No. 1’ were ellipse with light-pink skin, ‘Red Pulp No. 5’ were oval with dark red skin, and ‘Red Pulp No. 1’ were flat round with light red skin. ‘White Pulp No. 1’ had the highest whereas ‘Red Pulp No. 1’ the lowest germination percentage and viability of pollens. Both germination and viability of pollen decreased significantly 12 hr after anthesis. Self-pollinated pollens germinated and grew normally in vivo in ‘White Pulp No. 1’ but the growth of pollen tubes were inhibited in the style of ‘Red Pulp No. 1’ or in the ovary of ‘Red Pulp No. 5’. Fruit set, fruit weight and viable seeds increased through cross pollination in ‘Red Pulp’ lines. These results indicated that ‘White Pulp No.1’ was self-compatible whereas ‘Red Pulp No.1’ and ‘Red Pulp No.5’ were self-incompatiable.


pitaya fruiting phenology flowering


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