  • 學位論文


Trust-based Marketing Strategies in E-commerce

指導教授 : 江炯聰


電子商務的成長與重要性,不僅僅是為企業帶來機會,增加了消費者權力,同時消費者也增添了疑慮。釵h文獻均指出獲得消費者的信任,是電子商務經營者在網路上邁向成左滬垠n因素。但問題是,如何才能在網路這個虛擬世界中贏得消費者的信任? 因此,本研究嘗試架構出,在電子商務環境下以信任為基礎的行銷策略,此架構從消費者行為理論出發,針對消費者購買決策模式的各階段,討論電子商務帶來的影響,並配合信任建立的過程理論,分析各行銷策略如何建立消費者對銷售者的信任。最後透過兩個個案分析—Amazon.com和eBay,做一實證研究。 本研究之結論可分為下面兩點: 1.在電子商務環境下,以信任為基礎之行銷策略有:資料庫行銷、保護消費者隱私、網路廣告、資訊提供與建議、累積品牌權益、口碑效果、虛擬社群、付款安全性、訂單履行能力。然而,每一種策略在建立信任上的角色皆不相同;啟動的信任產生過程也不一樣相同,亦可能同時啟動多個過程;策略可能會同時直接、間接地影響信任建立;有的策略可以建立信任,也可以降低信任;策略有產品屬性或消費者特性之適用性。 2.電子商務經營者必須與消費者建立互信關係,此信賴關係可以建立顧客的忠誠度,但是此互信的關係需要經營者持續地創新,這樣才能夠回應顧客不斷改變的需求和與客戶站在相同的方向。


The growth and importance of E-commerce is not only bringing to enterprises opportunities, but also making the consumers more powerful and concern. Many references pointed out that building the relationship based on trust with consumers is the key factor to success for e-business. However, how to win the consumer trsut on line? This paper establishes the framework of trust-based marketing strategies in e-commerce. The framework starts from the consumer buying decision process on the web according to the EKB model which includes five stages and analyzes the influence of internet. Then matching up with trust building theory and discussing how these marketing strategies work. Finally, making the case study about two famous companies, Amazon.com and eBay and doing the research into strategies and executive with reality. According to these analyses, this research infers the following conclusions: 1.The trust-based marketing strategies in e-commerce are database marketing, private, internet Ad., information offering and suggestion, brand equity, worth-of-month, virtual community, the security of payment and fulfillment. However, every startegy plays the different role in building trust. The process is divergent, too. Sometimes, the same staregy can build trust through many processes or make the influence in direct and indirect way. Some strategies do not only increase the consumer trust, but also reduce it. Besides, the strategies are not suited to some of product attributes or comsumer characteristics 2. The electronic commerce marketers have to building the relationship based on trust with consumers, and this relationship can obtain tha customer loyalty. However, the turst relationship needs the continuous innovation, because the innovation is the only way to reply the needs of customers and always stays in the same side with them.


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