  • 學位論文


The Effect of Freshwater Discharge on Tidal Propagation in Danshuei River Estuary

指導教授 : 許銘熙


河口是海洋與陸地交會的地方,河口具有著海洋潮汐、波浪與河川水文狀況互動而成的環境現象與特質,因此不論在生態系統、自然景觀及資源方面,都有其獨特性及高度的敏感性,感潮河段之水理與鹽分分佈情形,主要受到河口潮位變化與河川上游流量的影響,隨著河川流量、潮汐強弱有別,河口段的位置也常有變動。 本文以感潮河段數值模式為主,以邊界條件交互迭代的方式,結合感潮河段數值模式與河川變量流模式,讓感潮河段數值模式上游邊界得以延伸,檢定驗證的部分,待模式建立後,以現場實測資料為依據來檢定驗證模式的適用性與正確性。 本文以淡水河流域為研究對象,將感潮河段上游邊界上移之後,以銜接完成後的模式進行模擬,對模擬數據加以分析,討論不同的上游入流量對於淡水河感潮河段內的水理現象與潮汐傳播變化之情形,進一步掌握淡水河上游流量對下游感潮河段所造成的影響。


The estuary is a transition between ocean and land where it has peculiarity and sensitivity in ecosystem and natrul environment and resources, because the estuary is the place that there are interaction between freshwater inflow and tide .The velocity and salinity distribution in estuarine river is affected by inflow and tide, so that the end of the estuarine river is often changed. The main purpose of the study is to combine the HEM-2D model in the estuary and the Unsteady flow model in the upstream with the iterative technique at the river junction . The model is calibrated and verification by field data can be used to analysis the hydrodynamic and tidal propagation in the Danshuei estuary with different upstream inflow.As a result, the effect of the upstream inflow on the estuarine river is shown in the study.


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