  • 學位論文


Study of Airborne Ozone Applied to Indoor Disinfection

指導教授 : 於幼華


本研究主要在探討臭氧使用於室內空間之消毒效果的評估。評估的方法主要是使用生物氣膠進行氣相臭氧的消毒實驗,並且使用紫外光(UV)、MnO2觸媒進行分解臭氧尾氣的相關評估。生物氣膠的菌種選定大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)、酵母菌(Candida famata var. flareri)、青黴菌(Penicillium citrinum),及枯草桿菌(Bacillus subtilis)四種,生物氣膠系統以Collison Nebulizer製作生物氣膠及使用Andersen一階生物氣膠採樣器進行採樣。 消毒實驗的設計不採用將臭氧直接施放於空間中的方式,而是將室內空氣抽進一特別設計過的反應槽中,以進行各種條件的臭氧消毒評估。實驗的重點在於臭氧的劑量與消毒效果的關係,並進一步探討其他參數對消毒效果的影響。實驗的結果顯示,在0.33 ~ 1.0秒的接觸時間內,200 ppm的臭氧可使大腸桿菌的存活率降至0.05以下(殺菌率達95 %以上),而同樣的臭氧濃度更可使酵母菌的存活率降到0.01以下,然而高達400 ppm的臭氧都無法使青黴菌孢子及枯草桿菌內孢子發生殺菌效果。 在使用紫外光分解臭氧尾氣的實驗結果中發現,當使用空氣進料臭氧機為臭氧的來源時,臭氧的分解率隨著與紫外光接觸時間增加而提高;以臭氧初始濃度為69.7 ~ 365 ppm為例,經過截面積為22.30 ~ 25.49 cm2及總長度為103 cm的紫外光照射,可達到約75 %的分解率。然而對於氧氣進料的臭氧機而言,紫外光幾乎無法對於臭氧有分解效果。而在觸媒MnO2分解臭氧的實驗結果,發現MnO2對氧氣進料的臭氧機所生產的臭氧可達90 %以上的分解率,但對於空氣進料的臭氧來源,其分解率則降到30 %以下。不過這部分的實驗仍有相當多的發展空間,造成差異的原因尚待更進一步的釐清。


This main purpose of this study concerns the evaluation of the effect of applying gaseous ozone for indoor disinfection. Experiments were performed by mixing bioaerosols with airborne ozone in an enclosed flow-through system, while UV and catalytic converter MnO2 were used separately to decompose ozone in the exhaust air. Bioaerosols produced by the Collison Nebulizer were sampled by the Andersen one-stage Microbial Impactor. The microorganisms tested were: Escherichia coli, Candida famata var. flareri(yeast), Penicillium citrinum and Bacillus subtilis. To investigate the bactericidal effects of ozone under multiple conditions, the contaminated air was pumped into a specially designed chamber to react with ozone, instead of releasing gaseous ozone directly into the indoor atmosphere and sampling all over. The goal of this research is to establish a dose-response relationship of ozone disinfection and find the influence of other variables. Results showed that under contact time for 0.33-1.0 sec, ozone concentration of 200 ppm could attain to a survival fraction of 0.05 for E. coli and 0.01 for Candida famata var. flareri. However, P. citrinum and B. subtilis spores showed no response to ozone concentrations even up to 400 ppm. According to experiments conducted to decompose gaseous ozone with UV, the decomposition fraction of the residual ozone improves as the contact time increases in using an ozone generator with atmospheric air for the feeding gas. Ozone concentrations between 69.7 and 365 ppm attained a 75 % decomposition fraction while the mixture were forced through a 103 cm long tube with a cross section area of 22.30 to 25.49 cm2 and a UV lamp embedded. However, UV showed to be useless with the ozone generator fed by pure oxygen, only that using catalyst MnO2 could be quite efficient, instead.


Bioaerosol MnO2 Yeast UV Catalyst E.coli Indoor disinfection Ozone P. citrinum. B. subtilis


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