  • 學位論文


Relationships between Professional Commitment and Personality Traits in Pharmacy Profession

指導教授 : 陳瓊雪 林慧玲


為了瞭解藥師對藥學專業的態度,以及人格特質是否會對此態度有所影響,本研究以藥師專業承諾為應變數,以人格特質、授課經驗、人口統計變項及其他相關因素為自變數,探討藥師專業承諾與人格特質之相關性,及在不同背景資料下,授課經驗、人口統計變項及其他相關因素對藥師專業承諾的影響。 本研究使用Blau’s career commitment scale及NEO-FFI為測量方式,採用橫斷式研究法以不記名的方式發放問卷,針對「社區教育推展藥學知識」計畫授課藥師共計發出268份問卷,非授課藥師共計發出693份問卷,分別回收214及528份,回收率為79.9%及76.2%,經整理後共計有507份有效問卷。 本研究結果主要有以下發現: 一、五大人格特質在控制其他可能的相關因素後,僅有外向性及宜人性對藥師專業承諾有顯著的正向影響,其他如持續教育時數與執業於連鎖社區藥局等因素也對藥師專業承諾有正向影響。更具體的來說即是:若藥師與人際互動的強度越高、越易與人相處、溝通與合作、接受持續教育的時數較長或執業於連鎖社區藥局,其藥師專業承諾會越高。 二、整體藥師專業承諾平均為28.39分(SD 4.18),為中間偏正向的態度。雖然有12.6%的人表示如果人生能從來一次不會再選擇藥師專業,有60.9%的人表示仍然會選擇藥師專業。有授課藥師經驗者,其藥師專業承諾較高。在不同背景下藥師專業承諾的差異為:不同執業單位工作者其藥師專業承諾不同,平均來說,藥師專業承諾在社區藥局>醫院>診所,其中連鎖社區藥局最高,顯著的大於執業於醫學中心者。執業年數越長者藥師專業承諾有越高的趨勢。工作地點不同,藥師專業承諾也有顯著的不同。接受持續教育時數越長的組別,藥師專業承諾有越高的趨勢。與民眾或病患接觸頻率較多的組別,藥師專業承諾也有越高的趨勢。年齡則與藥師專業承諾有正向的顯著相關。其他變數如性別、婚姻狀況、執照類別、藥學科系畢業學校、最高學歷等則對藥師專業承諾沒有顯著的影響。 此外,藥師授課經驗不同組在變異數分析中,其藥師專業承諾的確有顯著的差異,有授課經驗之藥師其藥師專業承諾平均較無授課經驗者為高。但若要探討是否這些因素能提升藥師專業承諾,未來仍需要進行縱貫式的研究才足以驗證是否藥師擔任「社區教育推展藥學知識」計畫之授課藥師能促進藥師專業承諾的提升。 未來對於藥師的甄選與藥學系的招生,建議除了考慮學歷、工作經驗、學業成績等客觀因素外,也應該將內隱的人格特質列為評選參考之一。


This study was designed to understand the professional commitment of pharmacist in Taiwan, and to explore whether there is a relationship between personality traits (as measured by the Five-factor model) and professional commitment. Furthermore, this study examined whether professional commitment is correlated with a pharmacist’s background and participation in professional activities such as “Community Education Program on Pharmacy and Medication (CEPPM).” The study was a cross-sectional self-answered survey where the main variables were measured with rating scales. Nationwide, pharmacists participated in the CEPPM and its associated symposiums were invited to take the survey. Among the 961 pharmacists contacted, 742 agreed to participate in the survey, and 507 eventually completed the survey. The study results showed a mean professional commitment of 28.39 (SD 4.18). About 12.6% pharmacists said, if given a choice, they would not choose pharmacy again as their profession. Pharmacists participated in the CEPPM had higher professional commitment than the non-participants. Pharmacists practiced in community pharmacy had higher professional commitment than those working in hospitals and clinics. Especially, a significant difference was noted between pharmacists in chain pharmacy and those in medical center. Pharmacists worked in southern part of Taiwan had a lower commitment score than those in the northern part. Longer years in active practice, frequent contact with patients, and older age also positively correlated with professional commitment. Gender, marriage status, types of license, graduated college and types of degree did not show a significant correlation with professional commitment. Multiple variable analyses showed that personality traits of Extraversion (β=0.247, p<0.001) and Agreeableness (β=0.161, p<0.001) were positively correlated professional commitment, after controlling for the experience of CEPPM, age and gender etc. In addition, continuing education had a positive relationship with professional commitment (β=0.133, p<0.01), and pharmacists working in chain pharmacy had the highest professional commitment than those working in other settings (β=0.145, p<0.01). Although pharmacists participated in the Community Education Program on Pharmacy and Medication”appeared to have higher professional commitment, the direction of causal relationship cannot be ascertained with this cross-sectional study. Longitudinal studies are required in the future to understand whether the experience of participating in the program does increase the professional commitment of pharmacist. In order to develop professional commitment, when making recruitment decisions on pharmacists and pharmacist students, it might be worthwhile to consider latent variables such as personality traits, in addition to other more objective factors such as degree, work experiences and performance on school work.


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