  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 明居正


論文簡介: 美國總統小布希於西元2001年12月13日,片面宣布美國要退出ABM條約;並且待六個月期滿後,要開始發展飛彈防禦體系。美國和前蘇聯,於西元一九七二年簽定的反彈道飛彈條約,該條約之簽訂曾經對美蘇軍備競賽及世界和平局勢有重大影響。美國及西方的核戰略觀念以為,每一個核武國家皆希望讓其他核武敵國相信自己會因為自衛而使用核武,但也希望降低任何一方確實使用這些核武的危險,而此也在兩極體系下形成了所謂的相互保證毀滅(Mutual Assured Destruction)的核武嚇阻戰略。而此種戰略平衡,是由於ABM條約的功能所致。而美國撤出該條約的行為會讓人想到是否和美國的核武及戰略問題有關;而美國的行為也讓俄羅斯及中共感覺受到威脅。而美國總統小布希卻以恐怖攻擊之危害及免於大規模殺傷性武器攻擊為由,宣布美國要退出ABM條約以發展美國國家飛彈防禦體系;這是美國唯一的退出理由嗎?我們要相信小布希總統的官方說辭嗎?究竟美國是否還有其他的原因考量才要退出該條約?本論文即是要深入探究美國退出該條約的真正內、外部原因為何。而本論文將部份重要新聞事件報導直接縮排引入論文本文,係為方便讀者閱讀,勿需再費心尋找之故,併此敘明。


Introduction: President Bush said the United States has notified Russia that it intends to pull out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, starting a six-month timetable for withdrawal and opening the way for the creation of an anti-missile defense system. The 1972 ABM treaty was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union during the time of Cold War,it was very important to the strategic nuclear stability for the world.In 1972,the United States and the Soviet Union were the primary nuclear powers in an essentially bipolar world. This bipolar world gave rise to the theory of Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD),which held that both countries could destroy each other.People believed such the nuclear balance as a result of the ABM treaty. The treaty’contribution to strategic stability gave it widespread support, not only in the United States and the Soviet Union but also the world. What maked the action special is its unavoidable connection to U.S.strategic nuclear and strategic policy. Both Russia and China view the action as a threat to the strategic nuclear stability for the world. "Today, as the event of September 11 made all too clear, the greatest threats to both our countries come not from each other, or from other big powers in the world,but from terrorists who strike without warning or rogue states who seek weapons of mass destruction," President of America Bush said. Should we believe what Bush told us?What are real reasons that made and supported America to do it?The thesis seeks to know the real reasons why America decided to go ahead with a unilateral withdrawal. According to this background, the thesis attempts to research the internal and external factors that effect America to make the decision to withdraw from the ABM treaty.


space power MAD ABM treaty


Kagan,Robert.,2003,Of Paradise and Power--America and Europe In The New World Order,New York:Alfred A.Knopf.


