  • 學位論文


A Study on the Industry Development and Business Models of Biopharmaceutical Industry

指導教授 : 黃崇興
共同指導教授 : 李吉仁(Ji-Ren Lee)


高度知識密集的生技產業已被視為二十一世紀科技發展的重要趨勢,由於人才、技術和資金多集中在美、歐等國,因此,這些地區在新藥及生技發展均執世界之牛耳。美國是全球生技產業發展最成功的國家,從1975年開始,許多生技公司陸續成立,至今已有1,300家上市。歐洲的生技產業發展較晚,但近十年來急起直追,2000年已達美國的三分之一多,成長實屬相當快速。日本是亞洲科技大國,生物科技發展亦令人矚目,根據日本三菱總和研究所(MRI)於2000年之估計,未來10年歐洲及日本生技產業之成長率將優於美國。 生物科技產業是我國政府積極推動的「兩兆雙星」產業計劃中的明星產業,政府在「挑戰2008國家發展計畫」當中亦提出未來十年將成立500家以上的生技公司。西元2001年我國生技及醫藥產業總產值約新台幣1,009億元。近幾年台灣已有五鼎、必翔、百略及台灣東洋藥品等公司,以生技類股上市上櫃進入資本市場,國內對此一產業的重視與日俱增。 本論文對美國、歐洲、日本及中國大陸之生技產業概況做出整理報告,引用美國成功生技醫藥公司為範例,研究生物科技領域中比例最高、獲利最豐的生技醫藥產業作價值鏈(Value Chain)之分析。結果顯示在整體生技醫藥產業上中下游垂直分工的價值鏈中,產業分工的趨勢已然形成。生技醫藥產業的目標仍是以開發新藥為主;在新藥開發的流程所形成之價值鏈與各生技製藥公司的相對定位息息相關。這個生技醫藥的價值鏈由財務分析的角度來看,可得到一個類似施振榮先生所提出的「微笑曲線」的模式。具備創新專利的研發公司與掌握全球通路的跨國性製藥集團位於曲線的兩端,享有遠低於大部份產業的產品成本(COGS)與兩位數字的投資報酬率。在曲線的中段亦形成委外研發(CRO)、委託製造(CMO)的專業廠商,目前的財務狀況良好,投資報酬率亦佳。 由產業發展歷史的長遠角度來看,證諸過往各個產業的發展過程,生技醫藥產業的價值鏈應該與其他高科技產業相距不遠,亦即做為代工模式發展生技醫藥產業的成長空間有限,因此由台灣本島與大陸之資源優勢、產官學之佈局、政府釋出的優惠方案的各個角度來看,本研究期望就此進行分析,以生技醫藥產業價值鏈,作為提供生技產業有興趣的同好一個產業策略規劃之參考


競爭優勢 生技醫藥 價值鏈


Biotechnology has been viewed as one of the leading trend in knowledge-intensive industry in the 21st century. Since US was the first country to successfully develop this industry since 1975, there are more than 1,300 public trading biotechnology companies already. Although the industry was initiated later in Europe than US, European did try to catch up very aggressively. The development of biotechnology in Japan can not be overlooked either. A study done by Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) in 2000 indicated that the industry growth rate in Europe and Japan would outpace US in the next ten years. In Taiwan, biotechnology has also been selected as one of the two star industries in domestic economic development program. In an ambitious program 『Challenging 2008: National development plan』, Taiwan would like to incubate more than 500 biotechnology companies in the next ten years. The total output from Taiwan in 2001 including biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry reached NT$ 100.9 billion. In the recent years, there were Apexbio, Pihsiang, Microlife, TTY biopharma that were listed as public traded companies successfully. This study would summarize the current scope of the biotechnology industry in US, Europe, Japan, China and Taiwan. Then the study focused on the biopharmaceutical industry in US that represents largest portion as well as the most profitable sector of biotechnology. Value chain analysis would demonstrate the vertical integration of the industry has been in place. In a more extensive study of the new drug development process along with the value chain, a 「Smiling curve 」model that was first proposed by Stan Shih can also be observed in this industry. In both end of the curve, innovative biopharmaceutical and mutli-national pharmaceutical companies enjoyed high investment return and very low COGS. While the middle segment of the curve represent by CRO and CMO, they also enjoyed reasonable return yet high COGS in the recent years (1999 ~ 2003). From the historic perspective of industry development, biopharmaceutical may also share same characteristics as other high-tech industry. Therefore, this study would also outline those key successful factors for the reference for whoever that are interested in this sector of biotechnology.


許優優譯;Matt Ridley著,23對染色體 (Genome:the autobiography of a species in 23 chapters),商周出版,2000年。
涂可欣、李千毅譯;Arthur Kornberg著,金色雙螺旋 (The Golden Helix:inside biotech ventures),天下遠見出版,2000年。
潘震澤譯;Kevin Davies著,基因組圖譜解密 (Cracking the genome:inside the race to unlock human DNA),時報文化出版,2001年。


陳俊翰(2009)。論企業策略結盟的風險控管與交易架構之設計- 以製藥產業中大型藥廠和新興生技公司間的合作為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00082
