  • 學位論文

硼、氯化鈉、儲運、溫度與澆水頻率對 擎天鳳梨葉片生長與產後品質之影響

Effects of Boron, Sodium Chloride, Storage, Temperature and Watering Frequency on Leaf Growth and Postproduction Quality of Guzmanias

指導教授 : 葉德銘


本論文研究硼、氯化鈉、儲運、溫度與澆水頻率對擎天鳳梨葉片生長及儲後品質之影響。施以0、1或3 mg.L-1硼酸之擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’並無老葉壞疽,但5 mg.L-1以上的硼酸,會使老葉葉尖壞疽面積、壞疽葉片數、反捲葉片數增加,且株高及葉綠素計讀值均下降,蒸散作用速率及氣孔導度則不受其影響。施以10 mg.L-1硼酸經個6月後,全葉中含 200 μg.g-1硼,且以葉尖濃度最高,葉片基部最低。葉片不同部位之葉綠素螢光值與葉綠素讀值呈現直線正相關,且硼酸濃度與葉片壞疽長度之間呈直線正相關。 以40%遮光之擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’葉色淺綠,生長勢、蒸散作用速率及氣孔導度均較76%處理者高。在40%及76%遮光下,以0、1或3 mg.L-1硼酸處理者,綠色薄壁細胞中的葉綠體呈綠色,5 mg.L-1硼酸處理者則為褐色。綠色薄壁組織以遮光率76%之處理者厚度較薄。隨著硼酸濃度的增加,葉長、壞疽長度、壞疽及反捲葉片數均增加。以76%遮光率配合5 mg.L-1硼酸,擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’ 壞疽葉片數最多且增加之葉數最少。 施以0 mM氯化鈉6個月之擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’,植株老葉葉尖未出現壞疽,但10、20及50 mM氯化鈉處理者,老葉均出現葉尖壞疽的症狀。地上部乾重及葉片數均以0 mM氯化鈉處理者最高,而50 mM氯化鈉處理者植株地上部最低。隨著氯化鈉濃度的增加,擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’葉片蒸散作用速率及氣孔導度均下降,但介質淋洗液之EC值、壞疽葉片數及葉片中之鈉濃度均上升。葉片基部鈉濃度高於葉尖及葉片中段。反捲葉片以10 mM氯化鈉處理者最多。 對擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’而言,正常葉片外觀為深綠色且無壞疽,硼毒害及氯化鈉毒害之葉片,葉尖均有壞疽。硼毒害之症狀為葉尖呈黃褐色乾燥狀,壞疽的葉尖與綠色的葉基中央有一黃色條帶,葉尖壞疽面積佔整片葉面積約1/3 – 1/2。氯化鈉鹽害之葉片,葉尖呈黑褐色,壞疽的葉尖與綠色的葉基中央有一黃色條帶,鹽害嚴重者整片均會褐化。正常的葉片其綠色薄壁細胞中葉綠體呈綠色,硼毒害及氯化鈉鹽害之葉片,綠色薄壁細胞中葉綠體均呈褐色,但氯化鈉鹽害之葉片,靠近下表皮之儲水組織有萎縮的情形。 擎天鳳梨‘Ostara’及‘Cherry’以5、10或20℃儲運15天的過程中,以20℃儲運者相對重量百分比下降幅度最大。以儲運後發生之反捲及壞疽葉片數來判斷各儲運溫度之儲運上限,則‘Ostara’以20℃只能儲運5天,以10℃可儲運10天,以5℃可儲運10天;‘Cherry’ 以20℃只能儲運5天,以10℃可儲運10天,以5℃可儲運15天。儲運後盆花的相對重量與儲運後14天植株之反捲葉片數及壞疽葉片數呈曲線負相關。 擎天鳳梨‘Ostara’在5℃或10℃儲運前6天,上位葉及下位葉葉尖水勢維持在-0.7 MPa,第6 - 10天葉片水勢下降,10天之後維持在-1.2 MPa。但20℃儲運者,自儲運開始後,葉片水勢由-0.7 MPa直線下降至-1.3 MPa。 擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’以20℃儲運,介質含水量與葉片水勢均有下降的情形。葉片水勢與儲水組織厚度呈現曲線正相關。葉片水勢分別與儲運後14天之反捲葉片數、壞疽葉片數均呈曲線負相關。儲運過程中,擎天鳳梨葉片基部之葉綠素螢光值維持在0.8,顯示該部位在儲運過程中,光合作用之電子傳遞系統並未受阻。 擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’在25/20℃下最有利於葉片生長及品質的提升。 隨著溫度的上升,蒸散作用速率及氣孔導度均增加,但葉綠素計讀值下降。將上述植株以15 - 18℃儲運一週,高溫35/30、30/25℃下生長者,儲運結束當天增加之壞疽葉片數較少,但各處理間增加之反捲葉片數並無顯著差異。儲運結束後14天,各處理之壞疽及反捲葉片數均較儲運結束當天多。將擎天鳳梨‘Sunnytime’置於不同日夜溫度短期處理2週,之後以15 – 18℃模擬黑暗儲運1週,儲運前各處理之壞疽葉片數並無顯著差異。儲運後之壞疽葉片數以35/30℃處理者最多,15/13℃處理者最少。 擎天鳳梨‘Cherry’分為每3、6、9天澆一次水,測量18天期間介質含水量之變化。每9天澆一次水者,介質含水量變化較每3天及6天澆一次水者劇烈。增加澆水頻率可淋洗介質中可溶性鹽類。每3天澆一次水者,株高顯著高於其他處理。隨著澆水頻率減少,葉片長度有增加的趨勢。葉片下表皮氣孔密度,以9天澆一次水者最高,6天澆一次水者最低。三種澆水頻率下之植株,蒸散作用速率及氣孔導度無顯著差異。澆水頻率並不影響儲運後反捲葉片的發生。


擎天鳳梨 觀賞鳳梨 葉片解剖 水分 儲運 氯化鈉


Effects of boron, sodium chloride, storage, temperature and watering frequency were studied on leaf growth and postproduction quality of Guzmanias. Plants treated with 0, 1, or 3 ppm boric acid did not produce necrotic old-leaves, while 5 ppm or higher boric acid concentration increased necrotic leaf area, and number of necrotic and curled leaves, but decreased plant height and CMR value. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductivity were not affected by boric acid concentration. Whole leaf contained 200 ppm B in plants treated with 10 ppm boric acid for 6 months. Maximum B concentration was measured in leaf tip and minimum in leaf base. A linear relationship existed between Fv/Fm and CMR value. There was also a linear relationship between boric acid concentration and leaf necrotic length. Guzmania ‘Cherry’ under 40% shading grew better, had lighter green leaves, higher transpiration rate and stomatal conductivity than plants under 76% shading treatments. Under 40% and 76% shading levels, plants treated with 0, 1, or 3 ppm boric acid had green chloroplasts in chlorenchyma, while plants treated with 5 ppm boric acid exhibited brown chloroplasts in chlorenchyma. Chlorenchyma cells were thinner under 76% than 40% shading treatment. Leaf length, necrotic leaf length, necrotic and curled leaf number increased as boric acid concentration increased. Guzmania ‘Cherry’ treated with 76% shading and 5 ppm boric acid reduced leaf initiation and produced highest necrotic leaf number. Guzmania ‘Cherry’ treated with 0 mM sodium chloride for 6 month did not produce necrotic old-leaves, but plants treated with 10, 20, or 50 mM sodium chloride did. Plants at 0 mM NaCl had maximum shoot dry weight and leaf number, while those at 50 mM NaCl had minimum shoot dry weight. As solution NaCl concentration increased, transpiration rate and stomatal conductivity decreased but medium EC, necrotic leaf number, leaf Na concentration increased. Leaf base Na concentration was higher than tip or middle leaf portions. Plants at 10 mM NaCl produced most curled leaves. For Guzmania ‘Cherry’, healthy leaves showed dark green appearance without necrosis, while boron toxic or sodium chloride injured leaves showed leaf-tip necrosis. Boron toxic leaves of expressed with leaf-tip drying and browning symptoms. There was a yellow band between necrotic and green leaf portion. The necrosis was from 1/3 to 1/2 area of whole leaf. Leaf tip browning was caused by NaCl injury, and there was also a yellow bend between necrotic and green leaf portion. Whole leaf would exhibit necrosis under serious NaCl injury. Green chloroplasts in chlorenchyma were observed in healthy leaves, while brown chloroplasts were seen in leaves under boron toxicity or NaCl injury. Water storage tissue above hyperdermis exhibited dehydration in leaves under excessive sodium chloride. For Guzmania cultivars Cherry and Ostara, relative weight of potted plants decreased linearly during 15-day storage at 5, 10 or 20℃. Relative weight of potted plants and medium water content declined most rapidly when stored at 20℃. According to acceptable postproduction quality based on the number of curled and/or necrotic leaves, potted plants of Guzmania ‘Ostara’ could be stored at 20℃ for 5 days, 10℃ or 5℃ for 10 days, and Guzmania ‘Cherry’ could be stored at 20℃ for 5 days, 10℃ for 10 days and 5℃ for 15 days. The curled or necrotic leaf number increased quadratically as relative potted weight decreased. During dark storage at 5 or 10℃, upper and basal leaf tip water potential of Guzmania ‘Ostara’ maintained at -0.7 MPa in the first 6 days, declined from day 6 to 10, and thereafter maintained at -1.2 MPa. Leaf water potential in plants stored at 20℃ declined from –0.7 MPa to –1.3 MPa almost linearly throughout the storage duration. During dark storage at 20℃, both medium water content and leaf water potential of Guzmania ‘Cherry’ declined. Leaf water potential decreased quadratically as relative water storage tissue thickness decreased. There was a negative quadratic relationship between leaf water potential and curled leaf number and necrotic leaf number 14 days after storage. During storage, the Fv/ Fm of basal leaf maintained at 0.8, suggesting the PSII was not suppressed during storage. Plants of Guzmania ‘Cherry’ grew best under day/night temperature of 25/20℃for 80 days. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductivity increased, but CMR decreased, as production temperature increased. Production temperatures at 35/30 or 30/25℃ reduced necrotic leaf number after storage at 15 to 18℃ for one week. Production temperatures affected little on curled leaf number after storage. Regardless of different production temperatures, plants all increased numbers of necrotic and/or curled leaves after 14 days from end of the storage. Postproduction quality was evaluated in plants of Guzmania ‘Sunnytime’ stored at 15 to 18℃ for 1 week following by different day/ night temperatures for 2 weeks. After storage, plants produced at 35/30℃ had most necrotic leaf number while those produced at 15/13℃ had least necrotic leaves. Guzmania ‘Cherry’ was watered at 3, 6 or 9 day-intervals and medium water content variation during 18 days was measured. More variable medium water content was measured at 9-day intervals than the 3- and 6-day water regimes. Increasing watering frequency leached more soluble salt in medium. The 3 day water regime plants were higher. As watering frequency decreased, leaf length increased. Stomatal density was highest in the 9 day water regime plants. There was no significant difference between watering frequency treatments on transpiration rate and stomatal conductivity. Curled leaf number after storage was not affected by watering frequency.


Guzmania bromeliads leaf anatomy water storage boron sodium chloride


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