  • 學位論文


A Study on Collection Security in University Library: the Usage Evaluation for Library Security Systems

指導教授 : 陳光華


本研究採用問卷調查法和深度訪談法進行資料的蒐集與分析。研究結果可從三方面述之。 一、大學圖書館館藏安全防護現況:(1)各館館舍空間規劃多受限於先天上的限制;(2)普遍採用閉路電視監視器作為協助;(3)沒有明顯證據顯示裝設系統後對撕書情形產生影響;(4)管制櫃檯人員以工讀生為主,缺乏書面的訓練手冊。 二、大學圖書館圖書安全系統現況與使用:(1)多以讀者服務部門為系統權責單位,廠牌選擇偏向參考他館經驗;(2)系統誤響與干擾為主要困擾,而電磁波問題不可輕忽;(3)系統廠商的維修服務品質較令人滿意;(4)系統保護館藏資料安全的效益受到認同,但缺乏數據證明。 三、RFID技術與運用在圖書安全管理上的可行性:(1)圖書館對RFID的資訊來源多來自廠商;(2)RFID技術對館務最大助益在館藏典藏管理;(3)RFID系統的成效尚待檢驗,未來發展關鍵在晶片功能與價格。 最後就本論文研究結果提出四項建議:(1)圖書館應擬定館藏安全政策,以建構館藏整體安全防護網;(2)擬定系統裝設需求書,據以建立評估系統的參考資料;(3)圖書資訊學相關單位課程與圖書館人員訓練應涵蓋館藏安全方面內容以建立館員的基本認知;(4)大學圖書館應持續關心RFID系統相關研究與技術的發展。


The questionnaire and the follow-up interview were used to collect data in this thesis. After analyzing these data, this thesis discussed the findings in three aspects: 1.The current situation of collections security in university libraries. 2.The usage and evaluation of library security systems in university libraries. 3.The applicability of RFID technology in collections security. The following shows suggestions based on the findings of this research: 1.The library should draw up a policy for collection security to build an integrated protection mechanism. 2.The library should establish the criteria to evaluate library security systems by writing a system requirement for proposal. 3.The training programs or courses of schools, organizations, and libraries should cover the issue on “collection security” to build up a fundamental cognition on it for librarians. 4.The libraries ought to keep the continuing interests in the researches and applications of RFID system and technology.


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Cravey, Pamela J. Protecting Library Staff, Users, Collections, and Facilities. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2001.
Lincoln, Alan J. Crime in the Libraries: A Study of Patterns, Impact, and Security. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1984.
Allen, Susan M. “Preventing Theft in Academic Libraries and Special Collections.” Library & Archival Security 14:1(1997): 29-43.
