  • 學位論文


The anti-tumor effect of flavonoids on Du145 parental cells and highly invasive potential Du145-III.

指導教授 : 李明亭


類黃鹼素,主要是一群由polyphenolic物質所組成的benzo-γ-pyrone(phenylchromone)衍生物 。而類黃鹼素又可分為以下幾類:flavonols、flavans、proanthocyanidins、anthocyanidins、flavanones、flavones、isoflavones、neoflavonoids,而這些類黃鹼素廣泛的存在於水果、穀類、豆科植物、蔬菜類、堅果類、種子、草本植物、莖、花、茶、可可亞、啤酒及葡萄酒當中。根據已發表的研究指出,食用性的類黃鹼素之生物性功用包含有抗發炎、抗過敏、抗微生物、抗病毒、保護肝臟、抗凝血、心血管保護、微血管強化、抗糖尿病、抗癌以及抗癌細胞新生之作用。 本文的主要研究目的在於觀察類黃鹼素對於前列腺癌細胞的抑癌作用之探討。我們利用in vitro chemo-invasion assay的方式,成功自Du145-P母代癌細胞中篩選出分泌較多MMPs之Du145-I、Du145-II、Du145-III子代細胞。並且利用類黃鹼素Luteolin及Quercetin探討其對Du145-P及Du145-III之抑制作用。結果顯示,Luteolin及Quercetin會抑制Du145-P及Du145-III之生長,使其外型發生變化,並且誘導apoptosis的現象發生,抑制兩細胞株MMPs之釋出,抑制其轉移以及誘導web forming之能力。而EGF則與Luteolin及Quercetin有相反之效果,其能促進癌細胞之生長,促進MMPs之釋出,促進癌細胞的轉移以及web forming,同時我們比較了Du145-P與Du145-III間之差異,發現兩細胞株不僅外形上有差異,Du145-P較容易黏附在一起,而Du145-III則是較為分散,並且細胞外觀較長也較尖;而在MMPs之釋放方面,Du145-III之釋放量較Du145-P高,轉移以及web forming之能力亦高出許多。 另外我們也觀察到另一株前列腺癌細胞株PC-3,其MMPs之釋放種類亦與Du145類似,因此我們正嘗試篩選不同前列腺癌細胞PC-3、22RV1及LNCAP之第三代子代,觀察其MMPs釋放之種類,希望藉由與不同器官、組織的腫瘤細胞相比較,鑑定出特殊的organ specific MMPs,並且發展出一套可用來診斷前列腺癌的系統,也或許可提供作為新藥開發的線索。 另一方面,我們成功地篩選到能激發出紅色及綠色螢光的Du145-P及Du145-III,在未來將努力在animal model上建立一套觀察前列腺癌細胞轉移路徑的系統,以及觀察其所轉移之特異性組織與器官。另外也期望能在in vivo的系統下,實際去比較Du145-P及Du145-III之入侵能力,進一步佐證在in vitro下所得到的實驗結果。


類黃鹼素 前列腺癌 轉移 入侵


The flavonoids, which are primary benzo-γ- pyrone ( phenylchromone) derivatives, comprise a massive group of polyphenolic compounds. The immensely diverse group broadly comprises distinct classes such as flavonols, flavans and proanthocyanidin, anthocyanidinsm flavanones, flavones, isoflavones and neoflavonoids. They are universally present in fruits, cereals, legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, stems, flowers as well as in beverages such as tea, cocoa, beer and wine. As components of edible plants and plant foodstuffs they constiturte an integral part of the human diet. The documented biological effects of dietary flavonoids include anti-flammatory, antiallergic antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, antiviral, antithrombotic, cardioprotective, capillary strengthening, antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic and antineoplastic effects, among others. In this thesis, we established the relatively higher invasive potential tumor cell line: Du145-I, II and III from Du145-P (parental) using Boyden chamber invasion assay. The Du145-III secreted higher amount of MMPs, higher migration and angiogenic ability as compared to Du145-P. According to the amount of MMPs secretion, migration and angiogenic ability, we concluded that Du145-III had relative higher invasive potential than that of Du145-P. Luteolin and Quercetin were documented as protein kinase inhibitor, they inhibit the activity of protein kinase by blocking the ATP binding site in catalytic unit. In this study, I tested the anti-tumor effect of Luteolin and Quercetin on Du145-P and Du145-III cells. Luteolin and Quercetin efficiently inhibit the growth of Du145-P and Du145-III cells. In addition, Luteolin and Quercetin both exert the inhibitory effect of MMPs secretion, migration and angiogenesis of Du145-P and Du145-III cells. In a separate study, using PC-3 prostate tumor cell line, we observed that the profile of MMPs secretion is similar to that of Du145. Therefore, we intend to investigate the profile of other prostate tumor cell lines, including 22RV1 and LNCAP, in order to confirm those MMPs are organ specific. We also established the prostate tumor cell lines Du145-P and Du145-III that could excite the red and green fluorescence. In the future, we intend to establish the animal model to observe the metastasis pathway of prostate tumor cell line by using the Du145-P and Du145-III that could excite the red and green fluorescence.


flavonoid MMPs invasion metastasis Du145


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