  • 學位論文


Defect Influence of Magnetization Reversal in Magnetic Thin Film

指導教授 : 張慶瑞


近年來,由於電子自旋帶來多元性新元件的希望,而再度引起人們的注意,特別是在於邏輯 儲存及感測的磁性元件應用上。 不過在真實的環境中,各式各樣的元件缺陷總是存在著,進而或多或少地影響元件的特性,而不能達到原來設計的功效。 所以本論文中,將針對薄膜磁性元件缺陷的形狀、尺寸大小、位置、及數量,對磁性元件磁化翻轉行為的影響,與基本形狀無缺陷的磁性元件磁化翻轉行為進行比較,作一系列的研究,以提供磁性元件設計與元件製造缺陷控制的參考。 最後提供的是,缺陷對先進技術的磁性元件的影響預測,作為下一世代磁性元件,或是高密度磁性元件相關的參考。


The spin of the electron has attracted renewed interest recently, because it promises a wide variety of new devices that combine logic, storage and sensor applications. But in the real world, numeric kinds of defects are always forming and existing while device fabrication processing, and affect the operating function of device away from its original design purpose more or less. Thus, the thesis is structured to get a series study of defect shapes, sizes, locations, and quantities influence of magnetization reversal process, based on magnetic thin film structure, and compared to basic shapes device performance for magnetic device design and fabrication defect control reference. Moreover, a prediction of defect influence of advanced technology nodes device is also given for next generation, or higher density magnetic device related reference.


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