  • 學位論文


Evolutionary Analysis of Subsurface Microbial Community in Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Zone

指導教授 : 于宏燦


本研究以台灣車籠埔斷層鑽探計畫(TCDP)所採得之207m、462m、739m、1033m及1287m深度的岩心樣本,進行活動造山帶微生物群落結構之研究、探討其與環境因子之相關性並推測微生物的代謝活動。針對16S rRNA 基因序列進行PCR增幅放大,建構不同深度的細菌和古細菌16S rRNA基因之分子資料庫。將樣本序列與Geneank或RDP database進行比對,以相似度99%定義集結之OTUs,建構親緣關係樹。並使用生態多樣性指數分析細菌的群落結構。研究結果得知,細菌組獲得319條序列,可集結為66群相異的OTUs。各個深度的岩心皆以Proteobacteria門之細菌為主,其中隸屬β-proteobacteria綱之OTU_b001與OTU_b106分別在不同深度樣本中佔優勢,亦存在較為少量的Actinobacteria、Bacteroidetes和Firmicutes三門之細菌,顯示在淺層地下的微生物族群,仍以好氧或兼性好氧之異營代謝活動為主。此外,砂岩樣本之細菌多樣性均高於頁岩樣本,而來自淺部卓蘭層之樣本的多樣性又大於深部錦水頁岩層,顯示此區細菌種類的分佈,主要受到岩性、孔隙度、營養源和地質分層所控制,而深度的影響不甚明顯。古細菌族群則僅在462m和1287m兩岩心樣本中發現,共獲得4個OTUs,其三隸屬於Crenarchaeota門,另一則為Euryarchaeota門之成員,推測古細菌族群之發現,可能與適應深部地層與斷層活動所產生之高熱環境有關。


細菌 古細菌 群落結構 親緣關係 車籠埔


Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP) is to probe Chelunpu fault zone that triggered Chi-Chi earthquake five years ago. The materials retrieved during coring were used for analysis of microorganism community structure and to investigate the interaction between microorganism and environment as well as prediction of bacterial metabolic function. Sample DNA were extracted from five core samples of 207m, 462m, 739m, 1033m, and 1287m depth below surface, and small-subunit rRNA gene (16S rDNAs) were amplified by PCR using primers specific to the archaea and bacteria domains. The PCR products were cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis showed 66 bacteria operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from 319 clone sequences and 4 archaea OTUs from 102 clone sequences while using 99% similarity OTU definition. The bacteria 16S rDNA clone libraries were primarily composed of Proteobacteria, especially β-proteobacteria, with minor Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes members. All core samples were dominated by either OTU_b001 or OTU_b106. The above-mentioned results exhibit that shallow subsurface microorganism mainly use obligate aerobic or facultative aerobic heterotrophic metabolism. In addition, archaea were only observed from 462m and 1287m core samples with sequence related to thermophilic species belonging to Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. Diversity index analysis shows the distribution of bacterial species was influenced mainly by lithological characteristics, porosity, and nutrition source rather than depth in this study.


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