  • 學位論文


Development and Performance Analysis of an Electrically Operated Spreader for Control of Red Imported Fire Ants

指導教授 : 葉仲基


目前較普遍的入侵紅火蟻(Red Imported Fire Ants)防治方法主要是以撒佈化學餌劑來減少其族群數量,現有之小型撒佈機大都為手搖式,十分耗費人力,而且化學餌劑亦會對其他生態造成影響,必須控制其撒佈量。 本文之主旨即在於改良手搖撒佈機為電動前掛式以節省人力,並有效控制餌劑撒佈量。本電動撒佈機使用之材料為鐵皮,研究方法是使用小型電動直流馬達來取代人力做為動力來源,並可藉由調整輸入電壓來改變轉盤轉速與改變其撒佈範圍。再者,以調整撒佈機上餌劑落下之開口大小來控制餌劑撒佈量。此外,並利用I-DEAS套裝軟體來建立撒佈機之電腦模式,並找出其應力分佈與自然頻率,此頻率均遠高於直流馬達之最大旋轉頻率。因此,本文所研製之電動撒佈機不會達到自然頻率產生共振現象亦不會在機體上出現重大變形。從實際餌劑撒佈結果與電腦模擬看來,本文研製的電動撒佈機確實具有較佳的性能。


At present the more popular preventing method for RIFA is to reduce the applying quantity of chemical baits. Currently most small-type spreaders are manual-operated, and must be grasped by hand. This method consumes a great deal of manpower. In addition, the chemical baits will also cause a negative influence on other living creatures and the environment. Therefore we have to control the spreading amount of baits. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a pesticide spreader, which can improve the traditional manual-operated spreader, save manpower by using electric power, and also electrically control the spreading quantity of baits. The material of this electrically operated spreader is metal sheet. In this study a DC electric motor is used to replace the traditional manual-operated cranking bar as the power source. The rotating speeds of the rotary spreading disc, and thus the spreading ranges, can be controlled by changing the input voltages of the motor. The spreading quantity of baits can be adjusted by changing the output openings of hopper. A computer software package called I-DEAS is used to simulate the spreader to analyze the stress distributions and nature frequencies of the spreader. These frequencies are higher than the driving speed of the spreader, therefore the large deformation on the spreader doesn’t appear. From the results of actual spreading tests of baits and computer simulations of the spreader, the electrically operated spreader has a better performance than the conventional manual-operated one.


4.曾永銘。2001。駭客動力學。初版 , 3-19。台北:鼎茂圖書。
