  • 學位論文


Causes and Classification Methods of Tunnel Unusual Phenomena in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃燦輝


本文透過系統性的整理前人研究所提出之異狀模式與其成因,包含國內外隧道檢測相關研究文獻,及台灣地區曾進行過之部分隧道區段檢測案例,加上針對隧道工程之興建方式與異狀關係的整理,實地調查的結果,與台灣地區隧道異狀實例辦別,將隧道異狀區分為需就力學穩定性加以分析之整體異狀,以及可直接修復之局部異狀。透過整體異狀與環境條件間之關係,架構出檢測的流程與判斷模式,內容包含(1)檢測對象及作業項目、(2)評估流程及(3)對應之輸出入圖表,供後續建置隧道檢測專家系統與資料庫之參考。經由此一流程可獲得導致隧道發生異狀的可能原因,並建議相關因應對策。 隧道之異狀,依檢測對象而言,主要區分為襯砌內外表面異狀、襯砌本身異狀及周圍地盤、地表面之行為及其互制作之影響,以襯砌之異狀影響使用功能最大,襯砌本身異狀於形態上則有破裂與變形、劣化、滲水等,形成因素則有受力破裂等物理因素及滲水風化劣化等化學因素,形成的時期分為施工期間及營運期間,形成時間長短分為短期破損及長期劣化。襯砌整體之破裂形態及背後空洞狀態可約略反應出該區段異狀成因,再藉由周圍地盤條件比較可確認影響較大之環境因素。 混凝土為台灣隧道主要的襯砌材料,故針對混凝土襯砌之異狀與成因加以探討。混凝土襯砌形狀為拱板狀或平板狀,材料為脆性、高抗壓強度且低抗拉強度之結構體,其異狀因素來自物理性之受力破裂及化學性劣化,化學性劣化或部份物理性之局部異狀為長期行為,於維護上可視需要直接修復。整體異狀與外力形式有關,且影響隧道結構之穩定性,在補強設計上,需考慮襯砌之局面及整體受力狀態。混凝土襯砌受力模式在評估上,先取一板狀區塊,在隧道環境下,常見其受力破裂模式有挫屈開裂(拱板向外)、直接彎矩開裂(平板向內)、剪裂剪動、集中荷狀輻射開裂與同心圓剪裂、中性軸軸向受壓劈裂,各區塊受力方向與相對大小可大略推估。再將襯砌內各區塊之大略受力模式標註於隧道內面展開圖上,並可比對斷面內面變形趨勢,推估整環區段襯砌所受整體外力之形式,此外力形式與襯砌形狀、厚度與材料強度、襯砌與周圍地盤之接觸方式、現地應力與地盤材料性質與強度、地下水文有關,以判別可能之整體異狀因素,並經由比較環境條件加以確認之。 經由案例之應用,此一系統化的異狀分類與檢測流程,可以較清晰地了解到各檢測對象及其檢測目的之關係,進而捕捉到異狀的主要可能成因,並據以提供適當之建議。 由以上探討,建議國內隧道檢測案例需要一隧道檢測資料標準的建立,以供後續長期劣化之分析統計,資料應包含施工時期之地質、施工紀錄,現有隧道各部位之狀況與歷次檢測之紀錄,將有助於整合國內隧道管理維護經驗。


The Purpose of this paper is to establish the processes of unusual phenomena classification by collecting cases of tunnel inspection in Taiwan. Taiwan in circum-Pacific orogenic zone, the tunnels face hard environment conditions such as plate tectonic forces, faulted rocks, earthquakes, and abundant groundwater. For efficient maintenances of tunnel structures need a systematic methods of inspections built by local experiments. This paper include four main parts which are the in-situ unusual phenomena, causes interpretation, the processes for decision of causes, and a case study. The unusual phenomena of tunnel lining cause damages , and could be divided to four types: (1)cracks, spalling, and collapse of lining material, (2)deformation of lining, (3)water leakage, (4)material deterioration of lining. The processes of tunnel inspection as several steps are described (1) inside tunnel inspection, including lining’s surface, lining and the interface between ling and ground, (2)deciding damage scales as part or whole of the lining section, (3)deciding the causes crudely by inside tunnel inspection and the types of crack distribution or lining deformation, (4)checking causes by environment conditions ,(5)making the strategy of damage repair. As through the case applied, the suggest procedure in this paper would make the tunnel inspection more systematically and is helpful to collect long-term monitoring data for reliability study of tunnel in Taiwan statistically.


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