  • 學位論文


Region Based Bandwidth Reservation Scheme for Handoff Calls in Cellular Networks

指導教授 : 李秀惠


隨著個人行動通訊系統的發展,人們的生活與通訊系統已經是不可切割了。 由於行動通訊系統已經非常普及於人類的社會行為裡。 使用者常常在使用通訊系統時伴隨著所在位置的移動,導致通話交遞的發生越來越頻繁,這引發出通話交遞失敗的問題越來越值得重視。 眾多的頻寬保留法提出以期降低通話交遞對通訊品質的傷害。 但是眾多的頻寬保留法都無法兼顧到準確度跟可行性,準確度高的要不就是基礎建設要求太多或者計算複雜度高難以用於現實世界。 可行性高的要不就是過於簡單以致於準確度普通。 本篇論文的目標是設計一個能兼顧準確性與可行性的頻寬保留法。 我們融合了per mobile類型和local 類型的保留法而設計出了一套以區域為單位的資源保留法。 為了達到兼顧準確性與可行性,我們採取了分塊預測的手段還有預測時同時考慮進入與離開的通話要求以期增加預測的精準度再加入動態紀錄的機制以求達到準確性。 在可行性的部分以區塊式的分割減輕計算跟定位的複雜度而多重紀錄參考可以減輕資料更新的負擔以達到可行性。 在主要的實驗結果裡顯示我們的方法與幾個對照組裡面相比擁有最低的通話交遞失敗率,而且在預測的精準度上也是所有對照組裡面最高的。 這些結果顯示我們的方法不但兼顧了準確度跟可行性,在新通話與既有的通話交遞上有良好的取捨。


Today users are expected to move around during communication sessions due to the developing of personal communication system, but it has the handoff problem seriously. Many bandwidth-reservation schemes have either high accuracy with low feasibility or high feasibility with low accuracy. Our objective is to design an aggregated reservation scheme which is feasible and also get high accuracy of predicting. We composite per-mobile and local scheme to develop a new scheme region based bandwidth reservation scheme (RBBR). In order to reach accuracy we adopt the dividing method, predicting of incoming and outgoing together, and dynamic recording function. Besides, regional division to decrease the complexity of locating and computation; multiple recording reference decrease the loading of record update to reach feasibility. In the main result of our experiment, RBBR performs lowest handoff dropping probability than predicting of fix-based, direction-based, and cell-based reservation scheme, furthers RBBR get highest accuracy of prediction in simulation too. The simulation results verify that RBBR has good tradeoff between new call and handoff dropping probability.


handoff reservation prediction cellular


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