  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Effect of Product Variety on the Efficiency of Manufacturing Systems

指導教授 : 周雍強


半導體晶圓專業製造廠的生產環境特徵為在同一個製造系統內必須同時處理數十種不同的IC產品,需求來源分散而多元。產品多樣性的提高將影響系統的實體複雜度,一方面強化了生產彈性增加產業競爭力,另一方面也使得系統必須承擔一定程度的生產效率損失。 本研究以隨機過程的機率模型假設產品組合的分配,來適切實際環境的隨機性與動態性,討論在不同的情境與限制下,產品組合機率的分布與變化,以建立一個多樣性與效率關係的分析架構。本文首先討論個別產品需求、產品總量需求、受限於總量條件下的組合狀態、組合差異與組合絕對差異等情境與限制,這些產品組合狀態的分布情形能幫助分析產品多樣性的動態與隨機情形。其次,本文建立了一個較為直觀,但可以廣泛運用在不同生產單元之產品組合與生產績效的關係模式,提供各個生產階層在從事生產控制功能時一個有效的決策工具。以設定轉換發生的期望機率來衡量產品多樣性對效率損失的影響程度,並選擇產品需求率的變異係數作為判斷產品組合比例均勻程度的指標。本研究工作發現在產品種類數增多的情形下,生產效率的損失程度也會跟著上升,但幅度會愈來愈小;而產品組合越均勻的情形下,設定轉換所造成的效率損失會越大。在生產規劃的決策上,本文亦推導了在生產批量增加的情形下,對效率損失的降低程度。本文最後提供了關係模式的應用,包括平行機台組在滿足各產品產能匹配的限制下,最佳化生產效率的損失,並且分析了高優先權的產品比例對製造系統的效率影響,以及利用各種組合狀態的分配情形來衡量製造系統的平準化程度。


Most manufacturing systems have to face multiple sources of product demands. In this situation, tradeoffs between efficiency and flexibility are important decisions. Efficiency means that a manufacturing system can produce mass quantity of products on time with minimum production costs. Flexibility means that product variety is high in order to satisfy high level of customization. Product variety includes two main factors. One is the number of product types and the other is product mixes. In this work, the effects of product variety on the manufacturing system operation are studied. In this thesis, a stochastic and probability model for product mixes is first presented. It is then applied to three cases of production control of parallel machine systems: FCFS, time bucket, and batch queue. The efficiency loss is measured by the setup changeover. The relationship between variety and efficiency is then derived.


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