  • 學位論文


Gap Between Community Planning and Space Design Education - Using Taipei Community Planners as a Basis

指導教授 : 陳亮全


北市都市發展局在1999年率先提出社區規劃師制度,空間專業與社區在公部門與私部門間以環境政策開始合作。傳統空間專業者在社區規劃中遭遇的困境與挫折,顯示出社區規劃與空間專業是不同的,其面向更為廣泛且複雜。本研究試由社區規劃的內涵與空間專業教育內容上的探討,經過兩者間比較,找出落差所在。 社區規劃的內涵以維護環境正義、重建社會關係、促進學習與公共環境教育及實質環境的改善與營造為目標,並抱持著以下的原則如:重視積極參與並使用參與方法、在過程中累積培養地方能力、以地方民眾及環境特色為基礎、運用良好的溝通與協調、保持開放性以及適當的經營管理六項原則,與在不同原則上實踐的方法。空間專業訓練則分為學校教育(以大學部為主)以及社會學習兩方面。社區規劃的內涵對應到空間專業的訓練內容可發現落差反映在學習目的、學習方式與學習來源三個方面。 從學校教育到社會學習,兩者間缺乏更密切的合作與互動,此外空間專業也需要加強與不同領域合作的交集與發展模式,在社區規劃操作上則應有不同層次與階段的分級。


In Taipei City, community planning is a start for Space professional to combine communities from government to third department, the department of urban development of Taipei city government tried to carry out the system of community planners from 1999. But from the frustrations of those traditional space professionals who involved in community planning, we can see it's different from space profession, the aspects of community planning are more complicated. Taking space professionals as a unique role in community planning, the aim of this paper is to examine what we learned from space design education and how it can related to community planning. In this paper, community planning is composed of preserving rights of environments, rebuilding social relationships, encouraging public environment education and improving living environments, furthermore to practice it with several principals as: valuing participation, community empowerment, basing on local characteristics,…etc. After examining space professional educations in universities and social education systems, the gaps occur to the purpose of space design educations, the manners of learning and the sources of teaching. From universities educations to social learning, there lacked of cooperation and interactions. Space profession has to enhance developing modes that occur simultaneously to much more different fields, moreover, there should be more classifications in the ways and different stages that manipulating community planning.


Sandercock, L. (1998) The Planner TAMED: Preparing Planners for the 21 Century. (規劃師之養成:為二十一世紀儲備規劃師。鄭文良、陳惠雯、林秀姿譯)。城市與設計學報,4,21-35。
Wates, Nick(Ed)(2000)The Community Planning Handbook-How People can Shape Their Cities, Towns & Villages in Any Part of the World. UK: Eathscan
