  • 學位論文


Use Balanced Scorecard to Establish Hospital Management Performance – One National Medical Center

指導教授 : 趙義隆


本研究採用個案研究方法,以某國立醫學中心為研究對象,主要的目的在評估個案醫院實行平衡計分卡之成效,同時比較個案醫院和國內醫學中心實施平衡計分卡之結果,進而提出具體的改進意見。 本研究採回溯性縱貫面研究,資料來源大部分由個案醫院提供,同時參考個案醫院平衡計分卡成果發表會書面資料,而國內外醫學中心的資料,均由搜尋文件檔案、已發表論文和平衡計分卡成果發表會書面資料得來。個案醫院實行平衡計分卡之效果,乃以全院財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面和學習與成長構面為主要評比依據,而在其他國內醫學中心之比較方面,亦同樣以四大構面為主要評比方式。 主要發現為個案醫院自2003年實施平衡計分卡後,在財務構面上營收均逐年增加,顧客滿意度方面也是逐年上升,內部作業流程均有改進,學習與成長方面論文發表數目也逐年增多,更是全台灣第一名。在結合績效獎勵金方面,僅有非醫師人員實行過,而且才第一年,無法真正反應平衡計分卡與績效獎勵金結合之成效。在和其他國內外醫療院所比較方面,每家醫院在施行平衡計分卡後,在四大構面上均有程度不一的進步。 個案醫院目前仍朝願景目標在努力,是否在平衡計分卡之管理方式協助下得以實現願景仍有待日後查證。但個案醫院在四大構面方面均有改善,而且比較國內外醫療院所實行平衡計分卡之結果,初步發現平衡計分卡之目標管理方式適合於大形醫療院所,但其衡量指標之擬定仍需檢討改進。


This study is a case study of one national medical center to evaluate the effect of the execution of balanced scorecard program and to compare the performance of other domestic medical center applying the balanced scorecard program. This case study used retrospective longitudinal method. The data most came from this national medical center and his abstract of balanced scorecard performance conference. Those data of the other domestic and foreign medical centers was obtained from the web site, published paper and their abstract of balanced scorecard performance conferences. The interdepartmental performance in this medical canter is compared using the individual key performance indicator. However, the inter-hospital differences are compared with their financial, customer, internal process, and growth and development scope. Our study showed that this national medical center has improved his performance in financial, customer, internal process, and growth and development scope after the execution of balanced scorecard program from 2003. However, the effect of combined operative bonus with balanced scorecard program is unclear due to limited data. Both domestic and foreign hospitals showed improved operative performance when applying balanced scorecard program. Currently, this national medical center is eager to reach its hospital vision. Whether it can be upgraded to his vision is warranted for further study. However, this national medical center and other medical center, either domestic or foreign, all showed improved operative performance after the set up of balanced scorecard program. We considered that balanced scorecard program is a useful modality to improve hospital operative performance.


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