  • 學位論文


Space demand analysis for University’s library

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


目前國內國立大學中,尚有許多新設之大學或新校區極須興建圖書館。而公立大學圖書館近年來透過建築師與館員互相溝通之方式,共同擬定圖書館之規模,而後撰寫為建築規劃設計書,送往教育部進行審核,以爭取教育部的同意興建與經費之補助。然而各校師生人數不一、館藏量亦不相等,導致教育部截至目前為止並無一個審核的依據,因此應如何規劃合宜之圖書館量體標準,將成為教育部核定各校預算之重要依據。除此之外,許多國立大學也陸續向教育部提出圖書館擴建、重建之計畫,因此如何判定原有圖書館未達使用年限卻已不堪負荷,亦需要建立一套參考機制。 然而教育部曾在民國85年時,提出大專院校中,每位學生所須之校舍樓地板面積,但其中並未包含圖書館空間定量之相關規定。因此,本研究之目的即在於修正中國國家標準對於設立公共圖書館空間之規範,制定大學圖書館興建規模之公式。其方式為將圖書館空間分為「典藏空間」、「讀者服務空間」、「行政及技術服務空間」、「文教空間」、「特殊用途空間」以及「非機能性空間」等六大類空間,再依據教職員生數、館藏量等資料計算大學圖書館之量體規模,供大學圖書館規劃初期之參考依循,同時也使教育部日後在審查建築規劃書時,有一審核之依據。 另外本研究也以空間計畫表之方式,重新計算各校圖書館所需之總樓地板面積,再比照現有各公立大學圖書館之空間規模,發現中正、中興等學校有明顯超量設計之現象,而台科、北科等技職院校則是空間嚴重的不足。另外本研究亦配合各大學圖書館之「進館人次」、「借書冊書」等數據,計算各公立大學圖書館目前的使用頻率,並依據各校學生人數,分為四個等級,分析其目前使用之情形。最後,本研究將推估之圖書館總樓地板面積,與各校的使用頻率做一綜合分析,提出若干建議,供教育部與各大學圖書館作為日後興建圖書館之參考。


There are several new universities have to built libraries. Architects and Director of library will map out the dimension of library together at first in recent years, then write out the planning reporter. Department for Education will audit it. However the number of teachers, students, mount of books of each library are different.Department for Education have no standard of audit until now. Besides, many domestic notional universities address for annexing or reconstruction of old library to Department for Education, so set up a apropos standard of audit for Department for Education will be necessary. This study is an investigation of appropriate space of domestic notional university library. By realizing user’s purpose and library functions, this study devotes to propose reasonable rules for the spatial planning of libraries. The unity formulation can be analyzed by calculating the existent space allocation of each university, including the space for book collection, administration, reading, and public. Besides, Considering of different using times of each library, the number of entrants and book lending are collected for counting the using average and frequency.. The library which has higher frequency of use will have more area for new library as reward. There are some new libraries have more space then necessary, and some libraries of universities of science and technology don’t have enough space. By studying the data I collected, I provide some suggestion of spatial planning for several university libraries and which will be build in the future. I hope to set up a standard of spatial planning for university libraries.


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34. 戴國瑜,「期刊管理及利用」,台灣學生書局,台北,(1983)。
36. 謝寶煖,「大學圖書館內部空間配置之研究」,漢美圖書有限公司,台北,(1990)。
3. Ellsworth, Mason,“Mason on Library Building”,Metuchen,N.J. Scarecrow,(1980)。


