  • 學位論文


A Close Examination on the Implementation of Sex Equality Education in Taiwan based on the feminism educational points of view—take elementary schools in Taipei County for examples.

指導教授 : 洪鎌德


摘 要 本論文以「從女性主義教育學觀點檢視我國性別平等教育法之實踐—以台北縣立國民小學為例」為研究主題,乃由於我國傳統女性地位相較於男性而言,多是處於弱勢,倘若性別平等教育又從傳統男權主義觀點下去實踐,恐怕又產生一定盲點、或者流於形式。基於上述原因,而對於目前「性別平等教育法」實踐的情形如何?又甚少人去加以研究,故研究者擬從女性意識的觀點,檢視性別平等教育法的實踐,如此才能打破傳統男尊女卑的迷思,進而發現問題與困境,並提出具體結論與積極性建議,藉供今後各國小教育主管機關、行政單位及教師實踐「性別平等教育法」之參考。 本論文第一章為緒論,內容包括重要名詞釋義、研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法、研究效果與限制。 第二章為相關文獻探討,內容包括女性主義相關流派與理論基礎、女性主義教育學理論基礎和對教育的啟發和性別平等教育理論基礎與具體內容之介紹,以為本論文的理論基礎與分析架構。 第三章為「性別平等教育法」之立法歷程、內涵與評析,僅對於性別平等教育法的制定過程,做一完整回顧與說明,以供本論文下一章節檢視的依據。 第四章為檢視台北縣立國民小學性別平等教育法之實踐,以女性主義教育學觀點,一一檢視「性別平等教育法」的四個主要內涵:「性別平等教育委員會」、「性別平等學習環境與資源」、「課程、教材與教學」「校園性侵害及性騷擾之防治」的實踐情形。 最後,第五章提出結論與建議,希望就本研究的結論,提出未來在國民小學落實「性別平等教育法」的具體建議,以及提供後續研究者發展的可能性。


Abstract The topic of this study is “A Close Examination on the Implementation of Sex Equality Education in Taiwan based on the feminism educational points of view—take elementary schools in Taipei County for examples. “ The reason to examine sex equality education from the feminism’s points of view is because women's social status in Taiwan has always been inferior to men’s for years, it would be unfair and in vain to examine the practice from the men’s views. In order to break the discrimination on the basis of sex, the researcher examines the practice from the feminism’s points of view to truly find out the problems and difficulties. And furthermore, the researcher can propose practical suggestions for the administration and teachers to follow. Chapter one is a brief introduction that includes the explanation of some important terminology, the researcher’s motivation and goal, the research ‘s scope and methods, its effects and limits. Chapter two is the literature discussion that includes the feminism-related theories, pedagogy; it’s influence to the education and sex equality education theory. Chapter three is an overview about the legislation of sex equality education. The legislation’s process, meaning and evaluation are all covered. Chapter four is the examination on the implementation of sex equality education at the elementary schools in Taipei County based on the feminism’s points of view. “ The Educational Committee of Sex Equality”,”Learning Environment and Resources of Sex Equality”,”Courses, Materials and Teaching Methods” and “ The Prevention of Harm and Sex Harassment on Campus” are inspected respectively. The last chapter is the conclusion and some suggestions. According to the conclusion, the researcher proposes efficient suggestions to execute sex equality education at the elementary schools, and provides some possible ways for further study.


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