  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of High Security RFID Tag

指導教授 : 雷欽隆


RFID應用隨著近年來技術不斷進步及相關規範日益完備下,不斷的開始導入產業及日常生活中,也因此漸漸開始無論是在學術界還是產業界都開始討論起RFID之相關話題,而討論的話題也大多環繞在使用者隱私權及運行安全之課題上,雖然目前有相當多之學術報告產出,亦有相當多之理論被業界採用並導入,但絕大部分是偏重於整體運用時之程序改良或界接軟體之提出,而較缺乏於RFID標籤本體上之安全改良與討論,探究原因不外乎是成本及效能之考量,另外便是深怕改良變動太大進而與現行已導入應用之設備產生相容性問題,然這些考量的問題於2006年起有了些許的變化,國際上幾家晶片大廠已開始試產及推出幾款等同於接觸式晶片卡安全等級之非接觸式晶片,原先阻礙最大之晶片成本也因製程上的改良而有所降低,因此2007年起應該會有相當多學界及企業界會投入晶片作業系統(Chip Operation System)之研發設計,故RFID隱私權及安全性之問題,因會隨著RFID標籤本體技術之改良與演進而從根本解決。 本論文選擇英飛凌(Infineon Technology)於2006年11月推出之SLE66CL41PE晶片為實作核心,提出RFID標籤主體設計與實作,其中包含安全驗證協定(Authentication Protocol)、記憶體安排及相關資料之權限控管(Access Condition Level)等,論文中亦將針對提出之安全驗證協定進行實作與效能展現,證明提出之方法除具學理安全基礎外,亦能在效能上符合產業利用,而所加諸之相關安全驗證程序又不與現行運行之硬體設備構成相容性問題。


Along with the advancing technologies and completeness of RFID worldwide specifications in the recent years, RFID applications have been commonly adopted and utilized in industry, business environment and getting deeper involved into daily activities, with the rapid growing usages in RFID technologies, many aspects associated with RFID have put to discussion both academically and industrially, most of the discussions were surrounding the subjects of protecting personal privacy and way of safe guarding the stored data during the operation, and yet, many academic papers and research projects have been produced, in fact, many were adopted and used in real industrial situation, but those were often focus in improving the operation procedures or proposing middle ware applications to achieve the security objectives, less discussions and enhance solutions in the hardware, the RFID tag's security aspect, reasons of those laid on the issues in cost and the actual performance, also the consideration in compatibilities when existing applications and hardware can not cope with new technologies, fortunately, those concerns have the answer, since year 2006, major chip manufacturers in the world have begun their pilot process, producing several contactless chips with equal or have seemly security level as contact chip, and the cost, the greatest constrain in making secure RFID have been reduced, base on the enhancement in chip manufacturing processes, which means, in 2007, the privacy and security issues in RFID could be resolved at the RFID tag level, along with the advancing technology in the RFID. This paper select the RIFD chip SLE66CL41PE announced in November, 2006 by Infineon Technology as the core of the secure RFID tag implementation, this paper covers the RFID tag authentication protocol, memory architecture, and data access condition level (ACL), the proposed protocol and authentication design have been well implemented and the actual performance result would be demonstrated in this paper, the final result of the implementation and those secure authentication schemes not only proving the proposed design was base on solid security foundation in theory, but can also be utilized in real industrial environment without compromises the compatibilities with the existing hardware equipments.


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