  • 學位論文


Sensing the Rules within Society: A Multi-platform Representation of Legal Sensibility In Taiwan

指導教授 : 王泰升


[中文摘要] 吾人總不時可於日常生活中聽聞到人們對於法律、乃至於規範等作為價值判斷基準之事物的差異、甚至是對立的評價,換言之,人們似乎總是可以依據著某種隱而未顯的衡量準則,來評價其所經歷的生活事物。對此,筆者除援引美國人類學者 C. Geertz 所提示「法律感性(Legal Sensibility)」概念來詮釋這些容有歧異的衡量準則,另外也嘗試利用法律社會史的研究取徑,來發現種種既存於臺灣社會的法律感性內涵與來源,進而思考法律感性於未來的發展可能性。 首先,透過對《水竹居主人日記》以及《環球遊記》等作品的檢視,吾人得以察覺臺灣社會在初步接觸近代型國家體制之後所呈現的法律感性樣態,亦即,國家體制雖得透過各種制度性事物的運作,而於形式上確立其主宰社會的地位,惟就實質層面而論,諸如「家共同體」等既存於臺灣社會的社群集結,仍舊得以其內含的價值觀來構成生存其間之人們的法律感性內容。 繼而,吾人亦得於小說作品《賈雲兒前傳》與〈古都〉、以及「社區發展」與「社區總體營造」等二政策的觀察過程中,意識到國家體制不僅熟知「家共同體」所得產生的影響力,甚至更嘗試以模擬複製於「家共同體」的「社區」與「眷村」等概念,來取代既存於臺灣社會中的各種「家共同體」組織。只是,就其成效而論,國家體制唯有在建構各該社群集結的同時,便賦予其相對的意識想像,否則縱然得於外觀上模擬出「家共同體」的形態,也仍無法複製出既有的「家共同體」組織對於生存其間之人們在建構法律感性時所具備的影響力。 最後,筆者也試圖藉由「家庭暴力防治法」的立法過程、以及電視動畫「神奇寶貝」等文本(Text)所衍生呈現的議題現象,來探討未來由社群中的個人主動創造法律感性的可能性。就此而論,隨著多元且普遍的跨場域法律感性傳播途徑的出現,未來關於法律感性的改創行動,將不再僅會指向為單一個人或特定的社群集結,而必然涉及有社會公眾的共同參與。


[英文摘要] This thesis attempts to formulate and to discuss the contents and sources of C. Geertz’s “legal sensibility” in Taiwan. In addition, it also estimates the possibilities of the development of legal sensibility in the future, and introduces the approaches of both legal history and social history. Firstly, the situation of legal sensibility in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule (1895-1945) is observed in the second chapter. According to The Diary of Chang Li-jun and Universal Travels of Lin Hsien-tang, people within the society still created their legal sensibility from other sources at that time, although the empire governed the society. For instance, “family”, in a looser sense, was absolutely a significant source of legal sensibility in Taiwan. Furthermore, the reproductive operation of legal sensibility from the government of the ROC in Taiwan, since 1945, is obtained in chapter 3. From the aspects of the fiction The Story of Chia yuen-erh’s Early Life and Ancient Capital and the policies of Community Development and Community Empowerment, it ascertains that the government of the ROC had continuously aimed to produce legal sensibility with several artificial combinations, such as “military dependents' village” and “community”. However, this strategy often failed unless an institutional combination internally associates with a common imagination. Finally, the reconstruction of legal sensibility with the people in Taiwan is discussed in the last two chapters. The legislative process of Domestic Violence Prevention Act presents that people can create any legal sensibility if they desire. And with the animation “Pokémon”, the conclusion of this thesis reaches that possibility of such reconstruction is composed by the participation of the populace.


洪秋芬(2004),〈日治時期殖民政府和地方宗教信仰中心關係之探討 - 豐原慈濟宮的個案研究 -〉,《思與言》,42:2,頁1-41。


