  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumer Behavior of Downloading Files in Taiwan Cinema Exhibition Market

指導教授 : 趙義隆


過去研究盜版軟體或影音檔案之現象多從政治經濟學或道德決策的角度出發,尤其在電影映演市場方面,大多數是基於廠商或產業的觀點來看待盜版市場的來龍去脈。本研究嘗試從消費者的觀點出發,探討影響其對於使用網路下載電影之態度的原因,以瞭解此群體對於多種電影映演通路的想法。 本研究主要以Al-Rafee and Cornan(2006)所提出的數位盜版模型為主軸,並加入電影屬性與行為兩變數,以清楚說明影響個人對於使用網路下載電影之態度的原因與行為轉變,研究樣本主要透過網路問卷與紙本發放的方式蒐集,共回收224份,其中有效問卷共210份。 研究結果顯示,在有下載經驗或下載頻率較為頻繁的族群中,如每數日或每數週下載一次的人,會因為網路下載可以帶來快樂、滿足的感覺,以及旁人對於網路下載此行為較採取不在意、不反對的看法,而導致個人對於使用網路下載的態度較為正面與積極。值得注意的是,使用網路下載電影的群體不會因為下載頻繁、或者使用時間長,而對原本其前往電影院、購買或租借DVD的頻率有所影響,此結果與以往文獻所研究出的電影盜版無法完全取代電影院的角色之結果有呼應之處。因此本研究建議廠商除了宣導民眾支持正版之外,同時也必須正視網路下載電影現象的蓬勃發展,雖然民眾不會因為使用網路下載而減少去電影院觀看的次數,然而DVD市場卻因此受到影響,對於電影業者的收益是一大損失,唯有積極開發客群、或者另尋一波行銷管道使多重的電影映演通路並存,才能讓消費者與廠商同時受惠。


This analysis aims to find out factors affecting the attitude of people who download movie files via the internet, like movie characteristics, personal beliefs, subjective norms and perceived importance. In the analysis, what individual thinks for movie exhibition market in Taiwan can be explored and understood true reasons why they want to download movie files from the viewpoint of consumers, not from firms. The main theory, “Digital Piracy Attitude Model” studied by Al-Rafee and Cornan, is adopted in this analysis. Additionally, two variables are added into research structure, movie characteristics and degree of downloading behavior, to consider reasons affecting the attitude of people downloading movie files via the internet. Through questionnaires provided in the form of hard copy and electronic ones, 210 available samples are collected eventually. The major findings are as follows. In overall research structure, people who have the experience of downloading movie files often get happy or satisfied, and care about the opinions of their family or friends about downloading. The research also indicates that it is also the case of the groups having high downloading frequency. Besides that, whether they have the experience of downloading files or whether they are heavy users of downloading move files, it will not have strong relation with the frequency of going to movies, or buying DVDs. It is suggested that exhibitors should confront growth market of pirating and figure out possible marketing channel to benefit themselves and consumers.


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