  • 學位論文


Syntheses and Characterization of Rod-, Flower-, and Cube-like Nanomaterials

指導教授 : 張煥宗


中文摘要 奈米材料擁有特殊的光學、電性、磁性等特殊性質,以致於在近年來被廣泛地應用於光電材料、磁性材料以及生物感測器等。本論文主要描述幾種奈米材料的合成,所合成的奈米材料包括金-銀奈米棒、金-銀-汞奈米棒、花狀金奈米材料、花狀銀奈米材料、金-鐵複合奈米材料,以及方塊狀氧化亞銅奈米粒子。其中,金-銀奈米棒與金-銀-汞奈米棒的合成方法主要是在鹼性條件下,利用維他命C(ascorbic acid)還原金、銀和汞離子成金、銀和汞原子後並沈積於金奈米棒表面上,以形成金-銀奈米棒與金-銀-汞奈米棒。濕式化學合成法則可以有效地在水溶液下合成出花狀金(銀)奈米材料,首先,金(銀)原子會沈積於金(銀)奈米粒子表面上,而產生花瓣狀奈米粒子。隨著金(銀)原子繼續地沈積,花狀金(銀)奈米材料就可以成功地產生。同樣地,在有鐵奈米粒子存在下,利用上述相似的方法,亦可以成功地合成出金-鐵複合奈米材料。方塊狀氧化亞銅奈米粒子之合成則是在鹼性環境下,利用維他命C(ascorbic acid)將硝酸銅還原成氧化亞銅奈米粒子並以果糖作為保護劑而得之。 長寬比(aspect ratio)為1.90-4.10之金-銀奈米棒和2.89-4.10的金-銀-汞奈米棒在紫外可見光區擁有相當高的吸收係數(extinction coefficients;5.02 × 109 ~ 4.73 × 1010 M-1cm-1);花狀金(銀)奈米材料在紫外可見光與近紅外光區則有很強的吸收以及高導電性(1.97


Abstract Nanomaterials hold great potential to be photovoltaic, electronic, magnetic, and biosensing materials because their unique electric, magnetic, and optical properties. This thesis demonstrated several synthetic strategies for the preparation of rod-, flower-, and cube-like nanomaterials, including Au-Ag and Au-Ag-Hg nanorods (NRs), Au and Ag nanoflowers (NFs), Fe3O4/Au composite nanomaterials, and Cu2O nanocubes. The preparations of Au-Ag and Au-Ag-Hg NRs were based on the deposition of Au, Ag, and Hg atoms that are reduced by ascorbate on the surface of gold NRs under alkaline conditions. Au and Ag NFs were synthesized through the use of a wet chemical method in aqueous solution. Initially the Au or Ag atoms are deposited on Au or Ag nanoparticles (NPs) to form single petals, upon which other petals are formed subsequently at their termini as a result of deposition of Au or Ag atoms. This process repeats until the flower-like nanostructures. Fe3O4/Au composite nanomaterials are grew through deposition of Au atoms on the Fe3O4 NPs (51.5 ± 10.5 nm) under similar conditions for preparation of Au NFs. Cu2O nanocubes with a band gap ~ 2.42 eV were prepared from cupric nitrate in alkaline aqueous solutions containing fructose and ascorbic acid at room temperature. Au-Ag and Au-Ag-Hg NRs having aspect ratios 1.90-4.10 and 2.89-4.10, respectively, possess high extinction coefficients (5.02 × 109 ~ 4.73 × 1010 M-1cm-1) in the UV-vis region. Au and Ag NFs have strong absorptions in the UV-vis and near-IR region and high electronic conductivities (1.97


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