  • 學位論文


The Global Viewpoint for the Movement against Segregation, Discrimiunation and Stigmatization of the People Affected with Hansen's Disease (Leprosy)—A Report of the Resistance by the Residents in Lo-sheng Sanatorium, Taiwan.

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


台灣樂生療養院,是1930年日本殖民政府在台灣設立的第一所公立漢生病的隔離療養院。近來,樂生院的住民從戰前戰後收容隔離有數千人,目前還有倖存者三百多人,大部分的人居住於此已經超過半個世紀。然而2002年因為台北捷運工程建設要邀拆除樂生院,院方打算讓所有人搬進新式醫療大樓。漢生病友年輕為公共衛生犧牲,老了還要為國家重大建設犧牲。從2004年起病友抵抗迫遷驅離的運動如火如荼展開。國際連帶使台日韓病友變成生死知交彼此認同的「漢生族群」。2005年樂生院民推動「台灣漢生病友人權保障條例」爭取家園保留立法保障,提出的法案條款要求重點;(一)國家道歉,(二)國家賠償,(三)終身照護,(四)在園保障,(五)指定保留區,(六)、樂生院國定古蹟。這場運動可以說是一場壯美漢生人權運動。 本研究的問題意識在討論隔離政策的緣起與興衰,過去政策的謬誤。將在第三章談全球隔離病院之肇始與未來;第四章深入介紹漢生人權回復運動國際串連,談日韓台訴訟之意義,以及台灣戰後六十幾年樂生院人權侵害調查的狀況;第五章回到樂生院保存運動抗爭紀實及法案推動過程,政客互相推諉,政治力介入。最後談樂生院民在社會的邊緣性,過去污名的烙印中所激發的抵抗力量,與思辯你我身為全球公民未來的角色扮演。其中,筆者對於戰後漢生人權侵害調查有更深入分析,探討日本與戰後為控制漢生病的傳染,對居住在隔離病院的漢生病人,執行極不人道的迫害,使隔離歲月充滿苦痛。儘管1962年法令上表面解除隔離,但依然有許多人被強制入院,真正開放後但政府的政策並無協助回歸,院內管理嚴格形同終身隔離。2006年行政院否認這樣的國家暴力。因此也成為本研究探討的重點。樂生院成為終身禁錮患者的牢籠,病友卻從受苦中領略知命樂天的生存哲學。然而儘管「時間可以讓人忘記殤痛…。」但我們無可迴避地必須討論過去國家政策的暴力對病友所造成的傷害與殤痛。「挖出真相,才有公平正義,才可能根絕歧視,才可能落實反省」。是本研究的重要命題。


The topic of this thesis is the Taiwan Lo-sheng sanatorium which established under the Japanese colonial government in 1930. In the history of Lo-sheng sanatorium, thousands of Hansen’s disease patients have been segregated here for many years, and till now, there are still 300 residents living inside it. However, since 2002, the sanatorium has started to be suffered from a eviction project launched by government to destroy the whole living space of residence, and the reason of this is the construction of the Sichuan line of Taipei Mass Rapid Transit System. In order to complete this construction project, the government has planed to move all the residents to a new building besides old district which contains a hospital-like accommodation and administration. Nevertheless, many of the residents never accept this accommodation project; therefore, they started to organize a social movement to protest against this policy. Moreover, this social movement has united with many international social movement groups who concern the human rights of Hansen's disease suffered. This movement and coalition at last made a proposal of "Hansen's Disease Human Rights Law" to be held in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan. In this research, we discussed about the history of global Hansen's disease segregation policy, and the movements against it. On the other hand, this thesis made a careful research about the human rights violation of this segregation policy under the ROC government in Taiwan since the year 1949. Especially after 1962, even though the segregation policy already being officially abolished by government, but actually this abuse policy is being practiced right until nowadays. We hope that it is a good chance to face the fact and truth to this policy of human right violation, to make it introspection to ourselves. Then, it is possible to call the end to the discrimination of Hansen’s disease suffered in Taiwan, It is by that time the fairness and the social justice will come to us as truth.




