  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwanese International Cooperation on Environmental Issues—A Primary Reflection on A Case of Sumatra, Indonesia

指導教授 : 於幼華


永續環境議題在二十世紀後半葉漸漸成為人類共同的理想和價值之後,先是理念、綱要的確定,表現在各種宣示性的共識裡,而後隨著全球變遷的證據變為明顯,國際環境議題如全球暖化或生物多樣性的消失,已引起相當的重視。 跨國環境規劃通常在大型超國家組織或國際組織,如聯合國環境計畫署、世界銀行、歐盟或亞洲開發銀行等架構下被提出和執行,通常在以具有政治、經濟、科技和文化優勢的西方/北方國家負責規劃和出資,在低度開發的國家或區域內執行,其內容包括了環境規劃、評估、改善和各項硬軟體建設。然而國家的行政行為或國際間的政治運作常被各種不同的因素所阻礙限制,環境議題關懷的實踐,非政府組織因其靈活多元之特質,在小規模之區域裡合作中常能發揮功能。 台灣經濟高度發展,同時也擁有極高的外來能源依存度,必須挪用其他國家區域的環境資源及容受力以維持自身的富裕。本研究顯示,台灣所需之化石能源及森林資源很大程度依靠印尼的對外出口。而台灣由於政治因素,常於國際間身處邊緣,在非外交利益之考量下,欲尋求資源及管道跨出國界並非容易,且環境議題極為複雜,非一般投入金錢資源即可解決。本文中之跨國環境規劃行動即在以實體規劃代替慣行的單方經濟資助,以尋求合作雙方行動主體性的建立。 本次環境規劃建立了兩個良好的行動模式:1.環境相關領域專業者的整合性規劃模式:包括水環境資源、地理資源、森林資源及聚落文化產業資源2.採取台灣專業團隊—規劃區域地方政府—規劃區域在地環境組織三者的合作模式,使政治阻力減少,增加對話使在地主體性提高,並刺激培力行動的出現。 關於分析與此規劃行動合作之印尼華人組織「菩提心曼荼羅基金會」個案,本研究認為其1.組織理想性高行動力強,尤以欲融合印華關係及強烈環境意識為其特色,但其2.資源體系建立於事件之偶然性,尤以台灣援助南亞海嘯資源為基礎,且其3.包括內部管理及行動策略等組織運作模式尚未健全。 本研究建議,應以環境議題為主軸建立較廣泛的互動機制,持續敞開對東南亞的關懷,不止讓台灣長期過於傾向西方資本主義意識型態的國際視角獲得調整,也便於開創管道,使台灣善盡地球公民的環境責任。


A Study of Taiwanese International Cooperation on Environmental Issues—A Primary Reflection on A Case of Sumatra, Indonesia Abstract The sustainable development has become the core belief in terms of environmental affairs worldwide for decades and has been consciously accepted in many international organizations. Transnational environmental projects are often carried out by the western countries which have strong dominance over the under-developed countries in aspects such as politics, economy, technology and culture as well. This is the recurrence of imperialism and colonialism which results in the injustice suffered by the people and environment living in especially the southern hemisphere. Taiwan has become a successful economy, ranking 18th largest in the world, and yet the growth of economy is a consequence of the consumption of the natural resources from many under-developed countries—one of which is Indonesia. The environmental project in Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia led by professionals from Taiwan was a pioneering one. It was a reflection over the Taiwanese-Indonesian ties of global environmental cares and then brought about realistic actions. Besides the application of technical approaches for the site, this thesis focuses also on the observations into the way how it could be possible, how it was launched without any aids from the government and therefore discovered that the co-operational relationships for trilateral parties—the local environmental organization, the Bodhicitta Foundation, the local government and the Taiwanese professional group--have to stand solid to realize the ideals. The case was related to the history of Bodhicitta Foundation in terms of its former cooperation with voluntary NGOs and individuals after the Tsunani afflicted Aceh, Sumatra in 2005. The ethnic Chinese based organization, Bodhicitta Foundation, has multiplied assistance from Taiwan, making its ambition of a social transformation possible in the very early stage in which education and environmental cares were the two main parts of it. Key words: Environmental Planning, International Cooperation, Foreign Aids, Sumatra


