  • 學位論文


The Planning and Management Model for Sustainable Groundwater Utilization

指導教授 : 童慶斌


本研究目的在於建立地下水資源管理機制及規劃評估地下水資源之永續利用。於建立管理機制方面包括觀測井網之規劃與違法抽水源之辨識,首先建立抽水洩降反應矩陣,以觀測井網對抽水行為可監測範圍最大為目標函數,並結合禁忌演算法進行觀測井網佈置之最佳化分析,期望可做為研究區域內觀測井網之架設依據;接著針對區域中抽水源之辨識及率定問題,提出兩階段之分析流程—分區比對方法辨識抽水源位置及率定各時期抽水量。最終本研究整合兩者之研究架構並應用於相同之設計研究區域。根據最佳化結果顯示於不同條件設定下,將產生不同觀測井網建議佈置方式,且分區比對方法可成功的辨識及率定違法抽水源。 於地下水資源永續利用規劃評估方面,本研究以台北盆地主要侷限含水層為研究案例,應用反應矩陣方法建立地下水可用水量評估模式,評估於不同之連續供水延時下,區域中地下水可用水量,此外,本研究藉由可用水量評估結果模擬規劃抽水,觀察抽水後含水層儲水能力之回復歷程並分析歸納其趨勢,提供地下水資源永續利用之相關資訊,最後本研究參考短期氣候變遷情境(2010∼2039)下,模擬未來淡水河流量與現況流量之變異,進而評估氣候變遷對地下水補注量之衝擊。其中可用水量之評估結果顯示,每日可用水量將依規劃不同之連續供水延時而有所差異,且經規劃抽水後含水層之回復為一緩慢但穩定之歷程,而以長期規劃層面來看,氣候變遷對台北盆地主要侷限含水層補注量之影響並不顯著。


The purpose of this study is to establish a management mechanism and to develop strategies of sustainable utilization of groundwater resources. The management framework composes of two major parts, including design of monitoring network and method to identify illegal pumpings. The response matrix technique is combined with Tabu Search algorithm to optimize a monitoring network. The objective of the optimization model is to maximize observable area with fixed number of wells. Furthermore, the study proposes a two-stage procedure named Zoning-Contrast Method for pumping source identification problem. For the study of sustainably utilizing groundwater resources, this study selects Taipei basin as the study area and constructs a groundwater management model based on the response matrix technique. The model evaluates the available groundwater and pumping strategies for different durations of water supply. Moreover, the recovery processes of the aquifer after different pumping strategies are also analyzed. According to the results, the longer duration of water supply, the less daily pumping rate. The recovery of the aquifer displays a slow but steady process. At last, the impact of climate change on groundwater recharge is also evaluated. The change of streamflow due to climate change is further applied as a boundary condition to evaluate the impacts on groundwater recharge. The simulation results indicate that climate change will not significantly influence the groundwater recharge to the major confined aquifer of Taipei basin.


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