  • 學位論文


Competitive Evolution and Analysis of System Chipset Industry

指導教授 : 孫雅麗


系統晶片組產業的發展已超過二十年,產業的結構由最初眾多的系統晶片組廠商相互競逐、供應商與互補廠商進入市場參與競爭、到目前以原本的供應商(處理器廠商)為主的產業結構。而台灣的廠商原本在此一產業佔有相當的優勢與地位,不僅在台灣的IC設計業佔有領先的地位,並且在全球的IC設計業佔有一席之地,但也在產業的變動下紛紛退下光芒,不僅不敵擁有處理器與關鍵技術的外商,也被台灣的其他IC設計廠商超前。本研究的目的即在分析與探討此產業劇烈的變動,與嘗試找出真正有效競爭優勢的來源。 本研究將引用不同的理論,包括靜態的競爭策略與動態的超優勢競爭理論來分析不同階段下的產業結構變化與廠商的策略互動,並輔以平台策略與資源基礎論來探討廠商真正的短期或長期競爭優勢來源。 最後本研究將透過競爭策略、競爭優勢的分析、與產業未來的發展趨勢,提出未來可能的產業結構,並預測各廠商未來的競爭策略與競爭優勢。


The development of PC chipset industry is over two decades, many pure system chipset vendors compete in the market initially, then the complementary vendors and suppliers enter the market and compete with existing competitors, finally the original suppliers dominate the market and take the leading position. Taiwan PC chipset vendors have the position and advantages in both Taiwan and global IC design industry originally. But Taiwan vendors still can’t complete foreign vendors those possess microprocessor or key successful technologies, and lose their advantages and position gradually, even can’t compete with other Taiwan IC design vendors finally. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and investigate the dramatic change of PC chipset industry and try to find out the real source of competitive advantage. In this thesis, several theories including static competitive strategy and dynamic Hypercompetition are used to analyze the industry infrastructure and competitors’ interaction in different stages; Platform Leadership and Resource-Based theory are also used to investigate the real competitive advantages for short-term and long-term. Finally, based on the analysis of competitive strategies and advantages, and industry’ future trend, this thesis will try to propose the possible industry infrastructure and forecast what competitive strategies and advantages that competitors will adopt to compete in the near future.


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Tseng, Y. L. (2013). 價值網與動態競爭: 電腦晶片組廠商之競合研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00768
