  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationship Between Breast Cancer Patients’ Trust and Evaluation toward Physician

指導教授 : 鍾國彪


背景與目標: 信任是醫病關係品質的重要元素之一,而且是預測醫療服務品質成效的最佳指標,由於乳癌在台灣的盛行率及乳癌對病患所帶來的衝擊,因此若能透過此研究深入了解影響乳癌病患對醫師信任之相關因素與照護評價間關係,藉由研究結果瞭解乳癌患者所需與進一步給予醫療院所及醫事人員在提供醫療服務時的相關參考與建議,期望能提升病患對醫師信任並建立正面、互動良好之醫病關係。 方法: 本研究以量性研究方法為主,質性研究方法為輔,量性部分採取問卷調查法,問卷發放對象為全省乳癌病友團體,質性部分採取焦點團體訪談,訪談11位乳癌病患,其中涵蓋不同乳癌期別、年齡與教育程度等之病患;透過質性與量性等兩個面向來加強研究的深度與廣度。 結果: 本研究中信任度量表共有十題具有高度一致性,經複回歸分析後,發現社會人口學特質中的年齡、家庭每月總收入與教育等變項,以及疾病相關資訊中的有無接受賀爾蒙治療與有無乳癌家族史等變項,與病人信任度有顯著相關。另外,病人信任度與病人對醫師照護評價中的滿意度、更換醫師意願、遵從醫師建議、懷疑醫師的話等顯著相關。 研究結論: 在控制其他變項後,病人信任度與病人對醫師照護評價有顯著相關。 關鍵字:病患信任、醫病信任、滿意度、更換醫師、遵從醫師建議、懷疑醫師、照護、評價、信任、乳癌


Background: Experience in USA has shown that trust between physician and patient has become one of the most serious problems under health care system. Patient trust is concerned in physician patient relationship,but it is destroyed under different treat to patient trust. The purpose is to explore the relationship between breast cancer patient’s trust and evaluation toward physician. Method: This study adopted Interpersonal Physician Trust Scale developed by professor Hall etc. in Wake Forest University to measures patients’ trust in physicians. The study obtained the authorization directly from Professor Hall. This is a cross-sectional study. After searching for cooperation from cancer support groups in Taiwan. A total of 1385 questionnaires were distributed. Result: There are 10 questions in IPTS with high internal consistency. From multiple regression analysis, the result found that age, had significant relationship with patients’ trust in their physician. Conclusion: After controlled for other variables, patient’s trust in their physicians is related to patient’s evaluation toward physician.


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詹惠如(2012)。多層次醫病信任及病患積極度對腎臟功能關係之研究 -以慢性腎臟病患為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.10492
