  • 學位論文


Billiards Wizard: A Tutoring System for Broadcasting Nine-ball Billiards Videos

指導教授 : 吳家麟


在這篇論文裡,我們提出了一個基於九號球比賽影片來學習撞球的系統,自動找出影片裡球桌的畫面以及位置,利用群聚的方式來尋找每顆球的位置並追蹤,由跟真實球場的對比, 可以定位出每顆球的真實位置。接著利用球與袋口的關係,提供使用者擊球方向的建議,以及做球位置的建議,除了建議系統,還有偵測系統可以自動找出發生了什麼撞球事件以及球員打了哪種桿法,撞球初學者可以輕鬆地一邊看影片一邊學習撞球技巧。


In this work, we propose a framework based on broadcasting nine-ball videos to build a billiards tutoring system. By mapping the displayed video frames to a predefined billiards table model, a robust table detection module is developed. In addition, we detect balls and trace their positions at every time instant. The real-world spatial relationships between the table and the balls are used to provide the aiming and position play suggestions. We take heuristics-based methods to distinguish each play into one of six types of events and six types of hitting skills. Experimental results are encouraging and are more comprehensive than existing billiards analysis works.


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