  • 學位論文


An Optimal Model for Recycled Material Blending Manufacturing by Considering Interrelationships among Demand,Recycled Material Quantity and Price

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 蔣明晃


摘要 近年來,各國企業皆開始將逆向物流的概念納入營運作業模式中,不僅可以減少環境污染,逆向物流也可以讓企業從中獲得競爭力,如降低成本、提升企業形象等。當企業納入逆向物流的營運後,大都會採用再生物料(recycled material)進行生產,且使用再生物料為原料時常會加入原始物料混合生產以增加物料特性的強度,進而符合品質的標準,另外廠商的製造設備會因為物料混合比例的不同,而有不同的設定參數,所以製造設備的參數設定無法在短時間內任意的更改,再加上再生物料的回收量、市場價格與產品的需求量間具有連動關係,因此本研究將探討一逆向物流決策者在某期間內進行再生物料的混合生產中,如何找出其最佳混合比例,以符合實際之需求。 本研究探討混合比例的建置,同時參考國內資源回收費率制度相關文獻,建構出一個在需求量、回收量及再生物料價格間具有連動關係之混合物料製造商,以成本最小化的觀點,設計出隨機非線性規劃模型,並進行模型求解,且設計一些隨機情境,以瞭解在產品需求量具不確定性,不同的費率結構下,不同的需求量與回收量及回收量與再生物料價格顯著性下,對於製造商的物料混合比例決策及總成本的影響。 透過本研究可以得知製造商的再生物料混合比例會因為需求變異、需求量與回收量之斜率及回收量與再生物料價格之斜率的不同而有所影響,而需求變異則會改變需求量與回收量之斜率及回收量與再生物料價格之斜率對於混合比例的影響,另外,製造商總成本會受到需求變異、費率結構及回收量與再生物料價格之斜率的影響。因此就再生物料混合比例的決策而言,製造商在面對平均價格較低的再生物料時,並不會完全採用最高的混合比例進行生產,還是會考慮其他因素,才選擇其最佳的物料混合比例。而費率結構對廠商而言,是影響製造商生產成本最大的因子,因此政府在制訂費率結構的時候,必須同時考量政策的制訂是否能有效的達到目標,及對製造商成本上的衝擊。


Abstract In recent years, many enterprises incorporate the concept of the reverse logistics to gain competitive strength, such as lowering costs. When enterprises emphasize the operation of the reverse logistics, they may use the recycled material to manufacture the products. And when the recycled material is used in manufacturing, manufacturers must blend recycled material with new material to increase the intensity of mixed material to conform quality requirements. Especially, as the blending proportion changed, the setting parameters of manufacture equipment need to be readjusted. Besides, there are interrelationships among product demand, recycled material quantity and price needed to be considered. Thus, in this research, we intend to discuss how the policymaker of the manufacturer decides an optimal blending proportion between recycled material and new material, and also examine how the parameters affect his blending proportion and related cost. Initially, a multi-period stochastic non-linear programming model is constructed and solved based on past researches of recycled material blending proportion, resources recycle fee and subsidy mechanisms, and the interrelationships among product demand, recycled material quantity and price. Moreover, experiment design is used to analyze how blending proportion and total cost are affected by different parameters including product demand, fee and subsidy structure, slope between product demand and recycled material quantity, and slope between recycled material quantity and price. From the results of analysis, we find that product demand, slope between product demand and recycled material quantity, and slope between recycled material quantity and price have the great impact on the blending proportion, while product demand variation can have significant influence on slope between product demand and recycled material quantity and slope between recycled material quantity and price. In addition, product demand, fee and subsidy structure, and slope between recycled material quantity and price have the impact on total cost. From our results, it shows that the manufacturer may not use too high blending proportion of recycled material even if average price of recycled material is low since he needs to consider other factors to decide the best blending proportion. Also, the fee and subsidy structure plays the most important role in determining the total manufacturing cost. Thus, the government must take all factors into consideration to assure that the fee and subsidy structure could achieve what they want and the influence on total manufacturing cost.


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