  • 學位論文


The Case Study on the Application of Deliberative Democracy - Study Circle Program in Senior High School Students’ Learning of Public Affairs Engagement

指導教授 : 鄧志松


基於中外公民教育學者觀點,學生的公民參與能力須被培養。由教育部公民教育實踐方案中之具體措施,建議學校應推動校園自治實驗方案,以建立學生參與學校公共事務機制,即可得知培養學生公民參與能力的重要性。近年來審議民主公民參與模式被引進國內,使用在許多公共議題討論中,成為凝聚人民共識、推動公民參與之有效方式。本研究根據公民參與理論及審議民主公民參與模式,將學習圈模式應用於高中生學習公共參與的過程,藉此觀察分析其在高中校園運作的可行性,以及是否有助於高中生學習公共參與。本研究依據學習圈步驟設計公共事務學習圈,並為學生能對資訊充分掌握,於學習圈實施前另成立公共事務小組,先收集並分析公共事務內容。研究中使用實驗法、觀察法及焦點團體訪談,研究者以學習圈模式進行高中學生公共參與學習之實驗,在公共事務小組中則以完全參與者身分,共同參與小組、記錄學生行為發展,並使用集體訪談方式觀察學生互動及討論。 本研究選取北區一所高中為個案學校,以該校校地收回問題作為本研究討論之公共事務,實施對象為該校高中學生。在公共事務小組階段,邀請有興趣參加之三位學生,收集、閱讀並分析校地問題資料,實地觀察爭議的校地,以錄影、拍照方式紀錄校地實況,訪問校內外相關人士,以熟悉校地問題。在公共事務學習圈階段,除公共事務小組成員外,擴大邀請其他學生加入,共計八名學生參加學習圈。透過界定問題現況、發展解決方案、形成彼此共識、發表報告等過程,學習理性溝通討論,並開始與校方行政人員對話,形成學生參與學校事務良好管道。以上內容根據本研究架構中之五個思考面向設計:主體性、知情、參與方式及程度、公民教育成效、成本效益。 本研究為一質性研究,以問卷、觀察記錄、反省日誌、集體訪談、錄音、錄影等方式進行研究資料的收集與分析,並在歸納資料之後,予以反思檢討。研究實施後發現:1.公共事務小組使個案高中參加學生能充分了解校地問題,並對關注校地問題的態度明顯增強;2.公共事務學習圈能讓個案高中參加學生熟悉審議民主的理性溝通方式,加強討論效率,並能大幅提高學生對參與公共事務的興趣,加強公民參與的能力。本研究建議如下:1.高中學校應將學習圈模式做為學生參與學校公共事務、影響學校決策的永久性、固定性制度;2.培訓校內教師及學生為主持人,熟悉審議民主與學習圈的帶領方式;3.公共事務小組活動宜融入公民與社會課程,以培養高中學生的公民參與能力。


According to the viewpoints of the worldwide civic educationalists, students’ ability of citizen participation needs to be cultivated. Lately, the citizen participation pattern of deliberative democracy, which is being largely used in the discussion of many public issues, has become an effective way to promote citizen participation. Based on the theory of citizen participation and the citizen participation pattern of deliberative democracy, this case study, through applying the study circle model to the high school students’ learning process of citizen participation, observes and analyzes its feasibility in high school operation and to realize whether it is beneficial to high school students’ learning in citizen participation. The study, based on the steps of study circle, designs a public affairs learning circle and, prior to the implementation of the learning circle, forms a public affairs group to collect and analyze relevant materials regarding the public issues, so that the students may have a comprehensive understanding of the information. In this study, the experiments, observation and focused group have been applied. This case study selects one particular senior high school in northern Taiwan as its study target, and uses the agenda of retrieving school land as the subject of public affairs in the study. And the senior high school students in this high school are involved. The above is based on the five thinking aspects designed in this study, which are subjectivity, awareness, ways and degrees of participation, effects on civic education, and cost effects. This study is a qualitative research in which questionnaires, records, journals, group interviews and audio/video recordings are used to conduct the collection and analysis of study data. The findings are as follows. First, the public affairs group enables students to fully understand the school campus issue. Second, the public affairs learning circle acquaints students with the reasonable communication way of deliberative democracy and promote students’ participation in public affairs. Finally, the suggestions are as follows: First, the study circle model should be applied by high schools as a permanent and regular system to involve students’ participation in public affairs. Second, more teachers and students should be trained to involve in the leading work of deliberative democracy and learning circle. Third, public affairs group activities should be incorporated in citizen and society courses to cultivate high school students’ ability of citizen participation.




