  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Foreign Exchange System with Work Flow

指導教授 : 李肇林


由於外匯市場波動極大,市場結構經常性改變,如歐元區成立後,歐洲各國貨幣統一為歐元,各國依不同時程轉換法定貨幣為歐元;亞洲也有催生亞元的聲浪。貨幣政策也經常因為國家的政策有所變動,如暫停外匯市場、限制外匯交易、緊釘美元政策。 若要設計一套可隨市場變動而彈性調整的外匯資訊系統,則系統的本身架構就要有極佳的彈性,本論文提出以表單流程的架構來設計與實作外匯資訊系統,藉由表單、表單資料庫、工作流程(Work Flow)分離的特性,使外匯交易資料與外滙交易系統及交易處理流程分離,達到系統變更,影響最小的目的。 標準化也是提供系統彈性的重要因素,本論文將討論XForm 與 Microsoft Infopath 2007 兩種表單標準的應用與整合。


外匯 貨幣 工作流程 表單


Foreign Exchange is one of important investment item. According to the foreign exchange market is variable, like EEC member countries use Euro as monetary unit. Each country changes the legal tender in different stage. The exchange rate mechanism also influenced by country currency policy (exchange control, exchange restriction, etc.) Design an extensible and adjustable Foreign Exchange Information System to meet the market variables. The system extension and flexibility are important topics. This paper we propose the Work Flow based and Exchange Record Form (erf) trigger system (OANet Foreign Exchange System) for user to handle foreign exchange investment. We use the separated design on Form DB, Forms and Work Flow (each represent the exchange record, exchange transaction and transaction rule respectively.) In this paper we also discus the interaction with the XForm and MS Infopath 2007.


Foreign Exchange Currency Work Flow Form XForm


[5] Ajax: Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ,Edmond Woychowsky ,Prentice Hall , August 2006
[10] Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification ,W3C Recommendation 14 January 2003 , http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/
[15] Oracle Berkeley DB XML , 2007
[1] 外匯市場, 中華百科全書 , http://ap6.pccu.edu.tw/Encyclopedia/data.asp?id=619&nowpage=1
[2] Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 產品概觀, http://office.microsoft .com/zh-tw/infopath/HA101656341028.aspx
