  • 學位論文


Structure, Assembly, and Mechanism of a PLP-dependent Dodecameric L-Aspartate β-Decarboxylase

指導教授 : 王惠鈞


本論文主要是探究Alcaligenes faecalis 菌株中L-天門冬胺酸β-去羧酶(L‐aspartate β‐decarboxylase (ASD))之立體結構與酵素功能分析。此類酵素於1950 年起應用於工業酵素 製造、合成抗生素或食品添加劑中。AsdA 乃一雙功能酵素,屬於磷酸比哆醛第一型(PLP Fold Type I)酵素,其主要作用為「去羧基反應」-催化L‐aspartate 形成L‐alanine 及CO2 分子; 次為「轉胺反應」-以乒乓(ping‐pong)作用方式轉胺於oxaloacetate 上,形成L‐glutamate。 研究中應用重金屬汞(Hg)之繞射強度差異,以multiple anomalous dispersion(MAD)方式 解析出AsdA 蛋白結構之相位角(phase angle),並建構其組成胺基酸之原子空間位置。結果 指出AsdA 蛋白以雙分子為基本單位,可組裝成12 個分子之truncated tetrahedron 幾何結 構的巨分子;並具有四個活性中心:受質結合中心(βY‐loop‐βZ)、PLP 催化中心(Lys315)、結 構調節中心(α13‐α15)及分子聚合中心(α3‐α5及α16‐α17)。 而藉由沉降係數分析及pH 活性測試,發現具活性之AsdA 蛋白於生物體中以12 分子 組合結構存在。每單分子分為二個領域(domain)-大領域(L‐domain)及小領域(S‐domain), 其大小領域間存在一個磷酸比哆醛(PLP)輔脢分子。於磷酸比哆醛C2 上之甲基與胺基酸 Lys315 的N4 形成Schiff 鍵,其磷酸根與周圍胺基酸形成氫鍵網,並與α8 雙螺旋結構上的 P 型環(P‐loop)以偶極之(dipole)力量存在。AsdA 分子結構受到pH 值調控,當pH 小於7 時 致AsdA 六個雙分子相互緊密結合且活性增加,而pH 增加至8.5 時,使AsdA 解離成無活 性之雙分子。 實驗中從PLP結構相對位置設計七個胺基酸突變區(K17A、R37A、Y134F、Y207F、K315A、 Y441A 及R487A)並比較其活性,以探討酵素催化模式。結果發現Y134 提供氫氧基至相鄰 單體的PLP 催化中心,以氫鍵穩定相鄰單體內的PLP 輔脢分子,喪失此氫氧基團將降低60% 去羧基的反應效率。除R487A 外,六種突變蛋白平均皆降低30%的反應速率,其中K17A 及R37A 則提高50%的受質結合力,Y134F 及K315A 則降低40%的受質結合力,Y207F 及Y441F 仍維持60%的催化效率,不影響受質結合力。而Arg487 位於受質結合中心中央,失去正電 荷的側鍊基團(R487A)使AsdA 活性完全喪失,但不影響十二倍體蛋白立體結構的組裝。其 ii 每個原子的振動值明顯降低至基本線,表示分子間的移動或振動與原態AsdA 有極大的不 同,突顯出Arg487 位於重要的樞紐。 此外,AsdA 酵素活性亦受到pH 值調控,當pH 小於6 時,去羧基反應之活性大幅提 高50 倍以上。在中性環境下,K17A、R37A 及Y441F 的L‐aspartate 消耗率比原態AsdA 還 快,與其產物(L‐alanine)含量不成正比,預測L‐aspartate 的消耗原因乃捨去羧基反應且進行 轉胺反應。 本研究之AsdA 蛋白與Pseudomonase sp.菌株之相似度極高的L-天門冬胺酸β-去羧 酶(AsdP)具有相似之磷酸比哆醛第一型酵素具有受質引發構型改變(substrate induced conformational change)現象-晶體加入抑制劑(β‐chloroalanine)浸泡,會引發晶胞(unit cell) 大小改變,其AsdP 晶格相同,晶胞大小平均單軸增長2.7%,總體積變化高達10%。研究 亦發現此巨分子結構的小領域(S‐domain)構型,因β‐chloroalanine 進入PLP 催化中心,造成 N 端的胺基酸(1‐38)朝六角形中心(α4 helix bundle)內移,藉凡得瓦力(van der Waals force)引 發區域性胺基酸(α19、α20 及α21 helices)移動5 Å 距離並轉動約22.5 度。 本研究論文透過現代科技的x‐ray 繞射技術,並結合結構生物技術及蛋白物理化學分 析,成功解出完整之AsdA 及AsdP 結構,更進一步探討雙功能酵素作用機制。並預測多功 能巨分子在生物體中所扮演的角色,包括胺基酸代謝、細胞內重要胺基酸含量之調控及酵 素功能的轉換,如L‐glutamate 與glutamate decarboxylase 及其反向轉運體(antiporter)之角 色關係。透過AsdA 及AsdP 酵素的結構的進一步解析,將有助於酵素基礎研究之瞭解,更 能促進相關科學之發展。


The focus of this PhD thesis is the type-I PLP (pyridoxal 5’-phosphate) enzyme L-aspartate β-decarboxylase (ASD, from Alcaligenes faecalis) with particular reference to an analysis of protein structure determination and functional activity characterization. The ASD has bi-functional activity. The major one being the conversion of aspartate to alanine and CO2 by decarboxylation, but additionally, it also functions to transaminate aspartate to produce oxaloacetate. Similar to the homodimeric aminotransferases, its protein subunit comprises a large and a small domain, of 410 and 120 residues, respectively. The crystal structure reveals a dodecamer made of six identical dimers which are arranged in a truncated tetrahedron whose assembly involves tetramer and hexamer as intermediates. Based on this structure, we proposed a catalysis mechanism and four functional motifs: a substrate binding motif (βY-loop-βZ), a PLP binding site (Lys315), a regulatory motif (α1- α2 and α13- α15) and an assembly motif (α3- α5 and α16- α17). The additional helical motifs I (α3- α5) and II (α16- α17) participate in the oligomer formation. Triple mutations of S67R/Y68R/M69R or S67E/Y68E/M69E in motif I produced an inactive dimer. The functional dodecamer structure is rather distinct from the aminotransferase family. The PLP is bound covalently to Lys315 in the active site, while its phosphate group interacts with the neighboring Tyr134. Removal of the bulky side chain of Arg37, which overhangs the PLP group, improved the substrate affinity. Mutations in flexible regions produced the more active K17A and the completely inactive R487A. The structure also suggests that substrate binding triggers conformational changes essential for catalyzing the reaction. The substrate induced S-domain conformational change was elucidated by β-chloralanine–AsdP complex. Along the three-fold axis of ASD structure, there are four 1.4 Å radius in size pores were appeared iv on each three α4 helices bundle of the plate shape hexamer. The surface electron potential of α4-α5 helices was changed from most positive charge to half hydrophobicity that cooperated with N-terminal moved and rotated about 5 Å and 22.5 degree, respectively. The cross-interaction of S-domain involved with van der Waals force between α1 to α2, α1 to α20, and α20 to α21 helices those move together by hydrophobic patch I, II, and III. The Arg497 residue has observed that was contributed with stabilize carboxyl group of side chain of β-chloralanine-PLP complex as ATase’s enzymatic reaction.


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