  • 學位論文


Customers' Expanded Use and Recommendation Behavior of Mobile Data Services

指導教授 : 曹承礎
共同指導教授 : 黃恆獎


對行動服務提供者而言,吸引新顧客的成本已越來越高,因此持續地從目前的顧客獲取利潤或是與顧客維持較持久的關係已越趨重要。服務提供者目前對於兩議題特別重視,其一為了解用戶受哪些因素影響而推薦行動服務給其他潛在使用者,其二為了解用戶受哪些因素影響深度使用行動服務之意願。本研究之目的為探討此兩項議題。 本論文第一篇研究認為顧客除了只是一個行動服務用戶,同時也可能是企業的夥伴,因此本研究探討行動服務用戶如何依據其使用經驗,推薦行動服務給潛在使用者。共收集480份3G用戶之問卷資料。本研究認為影響顧客推薦行為受兩個因子影響:滿意度與沉浸經驗。研究結果發現滿意度與沉浸經驗確實會影響消費者推薦行為,其中沉浸經驗為滿意度與推薦行為的中介變數。 本論文第二篇研究提出一個整合沉浸理論與計畫行為理論,以探討使用者深度使用視訊電話之行為意圖。本研究採用PLS-Graph分析軟體,共有151份問卷。研究發現沉浸與主觀規範正向影響使用者使用視訊電話之意圖,隱私顧慮則負向影響。本研究也發現視訊電話之媒體特質:互動性、遠端臨場感,會影響使用者沉浸經驗。除此之外,本研究也檢驗自我監控因子是否會干擾使用者行為。研究發現當使用者具有沉浸經驗時,不管其為高自我監控者或低自我監控者都不會影響使用者深度使用之行為。


Attracting new customers in competitive markets is getting difficult so continually earning profit from current customers and maintaining lasting business relationship are more important for mobile data service providers. Thus, service providers are interested in the factors that make subscribers expand using the services and how they recommend services to other potential users based on their experiences. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a stronger understanding on what makes subscribers expand using mobile data services and how they are willing to share experiences with others. The first article considers that a customer is not only a service user, but also the partner of a firm. Therefore, this article investigates how the users recommend mobile phone services to other potential customers based on their experiences. This article focuses on two determinants of customer recommendation behavior, namely, overall satisfaction and flow experience. It also proposes a number of hypotheses related to the constructs of overall satisfaction, and test them using data provided by 3G mobile service subscribers. The data used in this research was collected from online questionnaires done by 480 respondents. The results contribute to understand of how customers are willing to make recommendations to others. Besides increasing customer satisfaction, this article should consider a mediating factor—users’ flow experiences. Our findings provide empirical support for most of the hypotheses. The theoretical and practical implications of our findings are also discussed, and suggestions for further research are offered. The second article proposes a framework incorporating the flow theory and the theory of planned behavior to understand the expanded use of mobile videophones. The research model was tested with the PLS-Graph software based on its structural equation modeling approach. The data used in this research was collected from online questionnaires done by 151 respondents. The findings show that flow and subjective norm are positively related to the expanded intention to use mobile videophones and privacy concern is negatively related to that intention. It is also found that the effects of media characteristics such as interactivity and telepresence may have significant influences on the flow. In addition, this research examines that the effects of flow, subjective norm, and privacy concern on expanded intention to use mobile videophones is moderated by the personality trait of self-monitoring. It reveals that regardless of different personalities, people will like to expand the intention to use mobile videophones when they immerse in the flow.


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