  • 學位論文


A Study of the Information System of Taiwan Medicinal Plants and Herbs

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


中草藥方劑是一個實用而又廣泛複雜的領域,若能將之建立資料庫,必能大大節省翻書來找尋資訊的時間。目前國內外相關的發展很多,因不同目的而有各種資料庫的建立,本資料庫目的在於結合藥用植物、中藥及方劑的資料,並提供多項目的查詢,提供使用者精確、多元的檢索。本文依循系統發展生命週期的模式,訂立初步調查、系統分析、系統設計、系統實作、系統維護五個流程。為提供使用者1.認識藥用植物、2.認識中藥材、3.查詢藥物功效及成份、4.中醫師的記憶輔助、5.進階研究等功能,初步分析所要納入的大項包括:1. 藥用植物基本資料,收入各項基本資訊,不會因為其他因素而改變的「事實」;2.中藥基本資料,收納炮製後中藥材的基本資訊、七情、禁忌,其中尚包括該藥物的炮製方式以及屬於原植物的哪個部位;3.功效,這部分收納以中醫及西醫兩方面的觀點來看的功效、成分、藥理機制,4.常用方劑的使用方法、使用時機與組成、功效等。查詢設計分為一般與進階兩種。一般查詢特點在只提供一個特徵供查詢,包括名稱查詢、功效查詢、病狀查詢三種。而進階查詢則設計為多特徵項目的複合查詢,包括藥用植物查詢、中藥材查詢、方劑查詢與複合查詢。本研究以提供多項目的查詢功能為主要取向,讓使用者不再僅限於瀏覽閱讀,而能夠依照所需查詢資料,有更良好的機動性,對於藥用植物、中藥材、方劑有更進一步的認識。


This is a time of information explosion, information spread in all kind of sources. Searching for data which user needs to flip through books is slow and inefficient. Although the medicinal plant field is an extensive and complex domain, if we gather these data in a database, querying data from database would be convenient and time saving.The aim of this database is to link three fields, medicinal plants, herb and recipe, and offer multi-option-query function. Following the model SDLC(system development life cycle), I formulated 5 procedures to set up the medicinal plant database system step by step, which include preliminary investigation, analysis of the database system ,design of the database system, implementation of the database system, and maintenance of the database system. The medicinal plant field includes traditional Chinese pharmacology, Western pharmacology, and botany views. Therefore, the information in these three views would be gathered in the database to make sure users can acquire all-round data. The database can supply advantages such as: 1.learning the knowledge of medicinal plants becomes easy; 2. learning the knowledge of herb becomes easy too; 3. queries of the components and efficacies of herb becomes convenient; 4.can go deep into the herb researches. In order to satisfy these advantages, some data need to be gathered. 1. The basic information of a plant, which means the facts of plant, such as its scientific name. 2. The basic information of herb. 3. The efficacy of herb in both Chinese pharmacology and Western pharmacology opinion. 4. The usage instruction and contraindications of herb and ricpe. In design of query surface, I designed two level of query type.One is basic query system which offered only one attribute to query, basic query include name-query, efficacy-query and symptom-query. The other one is adavance query system which offered more then one attributes to query. Adavance query include medicinal-plants-query, herb-query, recipe-query and multi-query. Through the careful design, supplying a convenient and efficient query is expected.


商麥格羅•希爾國際股份有限公司 台灣分公司,682頁。
Kroenke, D., 2006, “Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 10th Edition”, Prentice Hall, 696pp.
