  • 學位論文


Rethinking the Concept of Privacy from the Impact of RFID Technology

指導教授 : 劉靜怡


RFID技術具有遠距讀取,以及儲存獨特識別碼或身分資料的技術特性,相較於其他識別技術,更可能使個人資料蒐集與處理更為隱密、難以察覺,且配合全球定位系統或是監視器,更能擴大對於個人物理監控的範圍;而在無線網絡普及下,RFID技術可成為「萬聯網絡」的關鍵機制,無線感應網絡對於我們生活模式的影響,將使個人資訊處理的複雜性及隱私侵害風險超越我們目前的想像。而個人資訊關涉個人決定他人如何看待自己,而科技削弱個人對於自我資訊的控制能力,將可能提升對於我們私生活的侵擾、甚而減損個人自主發展的空間。 本文認為隱私鑲嵌於社會實踐,其意涵意具有多元面向,因此隱私的概念無法以滿足特定要件的方式進行定義、而必須從類型思維去理解,以避免從單一意涵去理解隱私概念,而導致隱私保護的囿限。肯認隱私概念具有獨處、親密關係發展或是保有秘密等面向,可促使目前以個人資料控制理論為隱私保護基礎的個資法制,非僅是行使個人資料控制即達成隱私保護,而從隱私概念建立禁止數位人格側寫與全面性監視等內在限制,作為資料處理活動的底限。 本文提出以個人資料保護法制為中心,作為規範RFID衍生隱私問題的法制架構。但,個資法制無法處理資料蒐集活動或監視系統發展的必要性,而我們又應承受隱私侵害風險到達何種程度的問題,因此,本文建議參考外國法制,在資料蒐集機關從事資料處理活動前,要求應先從事隱私影響評估,課予資料蒐集機關說明可能衍生的隱私問題、評估資料處理活動之必要性並如何遵循法律規定的義務,將隱私影響評估納為隱私的程序性保障環節,有助於在科技應用發展初始,融入法治國原則、比例原則與貫徹當事人人格保護的考量。


Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. With the characteristic of operating surreptitiously, RFID, compared with other identification technologies, makes the data collection activities harder to be noticed. Moreover, as being integrated into wireless sensor networks, RFID technologies could potentially realize the vision of Internet of Things. In the pervasive computing world, while the data processing more universal and invisible, our abilities to control our personal data and preserve our private space would certainly be weakened. In order to respond to the impacts of RFID on privacy, this thesis contends that the concept of privacy should be understood via the legal method of type thinking. Such approach demonstrates that the concept of privacy develops with social practices and therefore contains mulitple meanings, such as solitude, keeping secrecy, intimate relationship development and self`-determination on private affairs. Privacy covers partial dimension of autonomy and is embedded in the ambit of personal dignity, which ensures our private space and decisions to be respected. Hence, recognizing that privacy is the common pool of similar characteristics and that it involoves freedom of action as well as personality protection can helps us to discover the limitations of the existing law in dealing with RFID issues. Current personal data protection law, which puts pecial emphasis on personal data control, cannot appropriately protect personal privacy in pervasive computing era. Therefore, this thesis suggests that the code of conduct, especially the informed consent procedure be strengthened in the existing law, and that privacy impact assessment mechanism which requests the developers to deliberate and examine the implications of surveillance system from the beginning be introduced as well.


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