  • 學位論文


The Exploration into the “MAGALOGUE” Market in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭文正 袁青


本研究旨在探討“Magalogue” 「型錄雜誌」近年來於台灣市場的發展,以個案分析方式,進行深度訪談,探討“Magalogue”在台灣市場的營運策略,其中包括發刊動機、資本結構與編輯策略、行銷發行策略。 置入性行銷在今日的各種傳播媒介幾乎是無孔不入,雜誌亦不例外。一些品牌廣告主因此認為,與其花時間與精力和各家媒體談置入性配合,不如自己創造一個自己可以掌控的媒體,對於商品的置入也更便利。平面印刷媒體有較長時間的效益,而且可能被保存下來,加上傳統型錄一般都以紙本印刷,於是出現了兩者的合體:型錄雜誌。 Magalogue想運用媒體溝通的事,與型錄並無二致,但品牌廣告主希望能跳脫型錄的表現模式,而以雜誌的型態來呈現。而品牌所擁有的base越大、資源越豐富,越適合經營Magalogue。Magalogue也可能是由雜誌主導發行,測試市場可能性,藉由與知名品牌合作,吸收品牌忠誠度高的消費者,可以增加雜誌銷售量,提高營運績效。 Magalogue能為發行者帶來什麼樣的效益,是發行的評估重點。除了零售與廣告收入之外,Magalogue的雜誌特質也可能為發行者省下龐大的行銷預算,甚至增加曝光率,以及形象的提升,或者做為發展其他事業的助力或基礎,都可能是評估的要素。在兩岸互動越來越頻繁的狀況下,Magalogue的產製過程中,目前台灣扮演了內容提供者的角色,展望未來如果希望以Magalogue型態開發更多新企劃,就需要將中國市場一併考慮,市場基礎才夠大,才能有更多元的發展性。


The media landscape is undergoing tremendous change. This study is an exploration into the “Magalogue” market in Taiwan. Through the method of case-study, this thesis tries to probe into the motives of publishing a magalogue, the capital management, the content strategy and the marketing strategy. Product placement is a very common practice in every kind of media including magazine. Some of the advertisers consider it may be easier to create their own media for product placement or marketing purpose. The benefit of print media is last longer and easy to be preserved. The most common way to present sales catalogue is also by printing. As a new type of printing media, “Magalogue” combines the feature of magazine and catalogue and creates a new market. The more resources the advertisers possess, the more chances they have to create a powerful magalogue. A magalogue may also be created by media itself to test the response of market about this type of product by cooperating with famous brands to secure the retail sales. There are many aspects to evaluate the advantage of publishing a magalogue. It could be the revenue of retail sales or related advertisement, could be the saving of marketing budget, or to create brand awareness, even be part of the future business development. In Greater China region, Taiwan plays the role of content-provider now in the “Magalogue” market. More opportunities may be explored in the future if Greater China market could be unified into one.


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