  • 學位論文


Applications and Studies of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Counter Electrode by Hot Spray-Coated for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells

指導教授 : 陳兆勛


本研究主要目的是探討染料敏化太陽能電池中反電極之製備,以熱噴霧法作成之多層奈米碳管反電極取代白金反電極。 本研究利用酸化與未酸化之多層奈米碳管,以熱噴霧法製備染料敏化太陽能電池之反電極,並以SEM以及電導度計分析不同反電極之表面結構及電性。 染料敏化太陽能電池的組裝部份由二氧化鈦薄膜浸泡於3 x 10-4M之N3染料作為工作電極,電解液是0.05M I2,0.5M LiI以及0.5M 4-tert butyl Pyridine (4-TBP)之Acetonitrile溶液,並與改變透光率為參數不同奈米碳管反電極做組裝,測量其光電轉化效率。 最後以奈米碳管添加CMC調配溶液所製作成之染料敏化太陽能電池,在透光率為0%之情形下,亦即其厚度最厚,在100mW/cm2,AM 1.5G之光照條件下得到了6.349 x 10-2%之光電轉化效率為最佳反電極之選擇。


The main purpose of the study is to research the preparation of counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC), while the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) counter electrode is adopted to take place of the traditional potassium counter electrode. Normal MWCNTs and acidic MWCNTs were coated with hot spray to the surface of the counter electrode of the DSSC. The surface structure was analyzed with SEM, and the electricity with conductivity meter. In order to fabricate the DSSC, TiO2 electrode was dipped in 3 x 10-4M N3 dye to absorb the dye, and the electrolyte in acetonitrile consisted of 0.05M I2, 0.5M LiI, and 0.5M 4-tert butyl Pyridine. The tested counter electrode assemblies were set with different transmittance as parameters so that we could measure the photon-to-electron conversion efficiency. According to the experimental results, a DSSC with the counter electrode constituted with normal MWCNTs and Carboxylmethyl Cellulose (CMC) solution, under transmittance 0%, had the best photon-to-electron conversion efficiency, 6.349 x 10-2%, and this kind of counter electrode is so far the best choice of ours to fabricate DSSC.


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