  • 學位論文


The Determinants of Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Their Subsequent Impact on Consumer Behavior:The Case of Blog

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


Blog是個新興的網路傳播媒介,近年來使用人數與閱讀人數皆快速成長,已漸漸成為網路上重要的書寫與傳遞訊息的平台,在口碑傳遞上扮演越來越重要的角色,靠Blog所傳布的電子口碑,其影響力更是無遠弗屆。實務上許多企業已將Blog視為一行銷管道,但學術上Blog於口碑方面的相關研究卻仍缺乏。因此,本研究希望能透過實證研究,了解影響Blog電子口碑效果的因素有哪些,並進一步探討Blog口碑效果是否會影響消費者實際的購買意向。 根據最後的資料分析結果顯示,Blog內容真實性、Blogger專業性、Blogger可靠性、訊息內容吸引力及消費者之從眾行為傾向,皆會正向的影響Blog電子口碑效果,同時發現,Blog內容吸引力是影響口碑效果最重要的因素;此外,電子口碑效果也會對於消費者的購買意向產生正向的影響。 依據實證所顯示的結果,本研究於結尾部分提供了企業及行銷人員在Blog行銷運用上的建議,以期提高電子口碑的效果,影響消費者對產品的態度,並進而提高行銷效果與增加收益。


With the advent of web 2.0, more and more people share the information and experiences with others on their own blog. By the function of hyper-link, comment, and track bace, blog has become one of the most popular media of information exchange. According to the 2008 EICP consumer research, the percentage of people who has used or browsed blog in recent week is about 35.2%. It was believed that blog has gradually replaced traditional media, and become an important online media for information exchange and interaction. Besides this, consumer behavior was deeply affected by electronic word-of-mouth. Therefore, this article is focus on the determinants of electronic word-of-mouth in blog and the interaction of electronic word-of-mouth effect and purchase intention. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 266 consumers who have searched information on blog. After the analysis with LISREL method, we found that: (1) the content authenticity, source credibility, and receiver’s conformity behavior have positive interaction with the electronic word-of-mouth effect. (2) the electronic word-of-mouth effect will positive effect the consumer’s purchase intention. By the results of this thesis, the author provides some management implications and a few futures research directions.


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