  • 學位論文


LocDHT: Location-based DHT for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Sharing

指導教授 : 陳文進


由於功能強大的智慧型行動裝置越來越被廣泛的應用,創造了越來越多的應用以及創新潛能,也提高了使用者之間的社交互動。另一方面,對等網路技術普遍的用於檔案分享系統像是 Napster 公司。它激發了一些新的結構和理念於人類互動的其他領域。在這樣的背景之下,對等網路技術應用於社群網路下的趨勢正方興未艾。 由於 Ad-hoc 無線網路和強大的行動裝置讓我們將行動網路系統設計的像對等網路技術系統變的可能。以至於我們可以在行動裝置使用者之間經由一個行動裝置傳輸資料到另一個來達到資源分享的功能。 許多熱門的對等網路技術像是行動對等網路都是非結構化的。而這種網路的主要缺點就是 flooding 會造成網路大量的信號來往,因此造成在此種網路下搜尋的效率低落。 因為這個原因,我們提出一個類似 Chord 架構的變形設計叫做 LocDHT,來抵抗這種嚴酷的環境,以期在資源所在的位置不斷動態更改的情況下能夠將索引的成本減到最少,且讓臨近項目的搜索更有效率。


The widespread adoption of powerful mobile devices creates an unprecedented potential for innovative mobile applications that can enhance users’ social interactions. On the other hand, peer-to-peer was popularized by file sharing systems like Napster. It has inspired new structures and philosophies in other areas of human interaction. In such social contexts, peer-topeer refers to the Egalitarian Social Networking that is currently emerging throughout society in general. The emergence of wireless ad-hoc networks and powerful mobile devices has made it possible to design mobile systems as peer-to-peer systems. So that we can sharing content between mobile users to transfer data from one mobile phone to another. Many of the popular P2P networks like mobile P2P are unstructured. The main disadvantage with such networks is that flooding causes a high amount of signaling traffic in the network and hence such networks typically have very poor search efficiency. For this reason, we come up with a Chord variation design called LocDHT to against with the condition that system is continuously changing, so as to minimize the cost of indexing even when content location changes dynamically and search neighboring items efficiently.


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