  • 學位論文

Web 2.0網路輔助新聞報導

Web 2.0 Network Assisted News Reporting

指導教授 : 谷玲玲


本研究從創新傳佈理論、資料庫新聞學與電腦輔助新聞報導回顧新聞記者使用電腦以及網路輔助新聞工作的相關研究,再透過人際傳播理論以及社會交換理論探究新聞記者與消息來源之間互動關係,去檢視新聞記者如何利用Web 2.0網路輔助新聞報導,與消息來源、媒體同業互動上的使用情況。 研究先透過前驅研究網路問卷,調查Web 2.0網路服務之一的噗浪(Plurk),蒐集新聞記者對於Web 2.0網路服務使用情況,以利後續研究進行。再透過深度訪談法訪問14位新聞記者,了解其使用包括BBS等網路論壇、部落格(Blog)、MSN等即時通訊(Instant Message, IM)軟體、Plurk等微網誌(micro blog)服務、臉書(Facebook)等社交平台、YouTube等Web 2.0網路情況。訪談對象多以研究者的人脈網路為主,以科技產業線新聞記者為主,研究者也另外找了不同路線的政治線新聞記者進行訪談,希望比較不同路線的記者使用情況是否不同。 研究發現,Web 2.0網路服務讓新聞記者更即時獲得新聞線索,讓新聞記者在採訪時可以更快獲得新聞消息來源,Web 2.0網路服務已是新聞記者重要消息來源之一。此次研究也發現,開始採用Web 2.0網路服務的新聞記者已利用Web 2.0網路服務與採訪對象、媒體同業進行互動,並且透過Web 2.0網路服務,不只是在查詢新聞資料、發掘新聞線索都有所幫助,並且在進行新聞採訪時,也有利用Web 2.0網路服務。新聞記者已經試圖利用Web 2.0網路服務主動進行搜尋新聞線索,找尋消息來源以及採訪對象。也有透過多種不同的Web 2.0網路服務進行查證工作。


The study reviews the researches of Diffusion of Innovation, Database Journalism, and Computer-assisted reporting, about the journalists who use computers and Internet to assist reporting researches. And reviewing the researches of Interpersonal Communication theory and Social Exchange theory, to research the interaction between the journalist and the source, and how journalists use the Web 2.0 network services to assist reporting to interact with the sources and other journalists in the same trade. The study uses the questionnaire survey as the pilot research, through the Internet, to survey the journalists who use Plurk, one of the Web 2.0 service as the case study, and to collect the data of how journalists use the Web 2.0 services. And the study uses the interviews with the 14 journalists who use the Web 2.0 services, such as BBS, blog, IM, micro blog, Facebook, YouTube. The interviewees are the technical journalists, according to the networking of the researcher, and half of them are the political journalists. The researcher designs the research to compare with the journalists who work in the dissimilar business. Interviews show the journalists who use the Web 2.0 network services aggressively not only get or research the news clues from them, but also interact with the interviewees, establish source databases, even find interviewees or ask interviewees through the Web 2.0 network services. And journalists who use the Web 2.0 network services, not only searching the news information and the news clues, but also investigating the reference, trying to do so actively.


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