  • 學位論文


A Study on the Uneven Distribution of Food Consumption and its Impact Factors in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


FAO在2009年糧食不安全報告指出世界歷經糧食危機、金融危機後,將會有更強烈的糧食問題發生;我國自施行稻米保價收購以來,農業政策雖多有變化,但仍不脫重視糧食安全的要點,而衡量糧食安全一般以熱量攝取是否足夠作為標準,但是目前世界總供給熱量遠大於總需求熱量,也就是說從總體來看,世界上應沒有存在“吃不飽”的糧食問題;實際上卻非如此,許多地區營養不足的問題仍待解決,但是世界總體供給熱量仍大於需求量,因此我們可以了解到真正的關鍵是飲食熱量分配不均的問題:有人吃太多,也有人吃太少,因而衍生了許多社會問題。 因此本研究以FAO衡量營養不足人口比例指標作為糧食安全的衡量基準,計算出我國營養不足人口,並應用其試算營養過剩人口比例,藉以找出我國飲食熱量攝取不均的程度,實證結果發現我國1997至2008年營養不足人口比例平均為1.53%,2008年時上升到3.67%,並有逐年上升的趨勢;而營養過剩人口比例在1997至2008年平均為43.65%,2008年下降為28.57%,並有逐年下降的趨勢;另外人口嚴重過剩人口在1997至2008年平均為22.33%,2008年下降為12.04%。 本研究亦發現營養不足(Quantile0-0.367)家庭平均飲食消費能量為1,130大卡,而營養嚴重過剩家庭(Quantile0.8796-1.00)平均值為4,585大卡;營養不足之族群可能較多為農牧戶、所得較低、家庭內老幼人口較多、主要在家開伙、食用主食的比例較高、飲食規劃者教育程度較低、較多單親、飲食規劃者為主婦(夫)、健保就診費用較高以及領取較多補貼的弱勢族群,反之即為營養過剩之族群。 另外為了能夠深入研究營養不足、過剩族群的特性,本研究使用最小平方法與分量迴歸法估計個解釋變數對飲食熱量的影響;實證資料為行政院主計處提供97年家庭收支調查報告,原始樣本資料為13,776戶,扣除資料缺漏及不合理值後最終樣本數為11,329戶,實證結果發現提高外食比例在各種分量下對於飲食消費能量皆有顯著正向效果,但是在對營養不足家庭影響程度較大,對營養嚴重過剩家庭則較影響較小;提高國人食用水果比例以及主食比例皆可降低營養嚴重過剩家庭的飲食消費能量。 飲食規劃者的教育程度與飲食消費能量成正比,教育程度高者會提高飲食消費能量,顯見提昇教育將提昇營養攝取。單親家庭會顯著降低營養攝取;飲食規劃者職業若為主婦(夫),在營養不足家庭將會減少飲食消費能量之攝取,在營養、嚴重過剩家庭則會增加。


FAO Food Insecurity Report(2009) indicated that food security problems could be more serious in the future after the world food and financial crisis happened during 2008~2009. With concerns of food security, Taiwan's government implemented rice price support since 1960s. Generally speaking, most of the measurement of food security suggested by FAO measure the adequacy of caloric intake, and world's total calories supply is greater than the total calories demand. However, undernourishment is still a problem in many regions. In addition, uneven distribution of dietary energy is also a problem cause social problems in many nations. The objective of this study is to measure the populations of undernourishment and overeating in Taiwan, as well as to analyze the factors influence the uneven distribution of food consumption. Empirical study showed that the proportion of undernourished population increased from 1.53%, in 1997 to 3.67% in 2008, and there was a rising trend in the last decade. The ratio of overnutrited population, on the other hand, dropped from 43.65 % in 1997 to 28.57% in 2008, and showed a decreasing trend. The proportion of seriously overnutrited population also dtopped from 22.33% in 1997 to 12.04% in 2008. The study also revealed that the ADEC(Average Dietary Energy Consumption) of undernourished families (Quantile 0-0.367) is 1,130 kcal, and seriously overnutrited families (Quantile 0.8796-1.00) is 4,585 kcal. People who are farmers, low income, less educated food planner, single-parent family, junior or senior, and people eat out often are more likely to be undernourishied. This study applied OLS and QR to analyze factors influence the distribution of food consumption. Data of the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan 2008 were utilized for analyses. Empirical results showed that raising the frequency of eating out will significantly increase ADEC, but greater in overnutritied family. Increase the frequency of consuming fruit and staple foods can also decrease ADEC. Higher education level of food planner will increase ADEC, showing that improvement of education will enhance the calories intake.


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