  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Political Discourses from Taiwan Church News and the New Messenger Of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李炳南
共同指導教授 : 陳顯武


先前有許多台灣基督長老教會(除了保留原始資料文本之外,本論文之後將台灣基督長老教會簡稱為「長老教會」)關於政治議題的研究都是使用深度訪談法,但是本研究發現在這些訪談內容中,該會的重要幹部都迴避了政治立場以及政黨傾向的議題。因此本研究決定從論述下手,也就是從《台灣教會公報》周刊第1825期至第3039期以及《新使者》月刊第1期至第117期中,以量化以及質化的方式檢視論述文本,依此分析長老教會政治立場與意識形態的內容與轉變。 本研究發現雖然長老教會的幾位資深重要幹部早有台灣獨立的政治立場,但是台獨成為該會多數人共識與媒介立場的關鍵時間點在於蔡有全與許曹德案。而當該會資深幹部羅榮光擔任總幹事後,認為「以台灣名義加入聯合國」是將台獨立場實現、加入國際政治舞台與讓台灣受到聯合國保護的最佳方式。面對國民黨執政時期台獨政治主張無法實現、在民進黨執政時期藍營在野黨又佔大多數,以及民進黨的台獨立場越來越模糊,該會放棄了神的主權的宗教立場,開始全面推動公民主權的「公民投票」。而在中國大陸表達反對台獨言論、限制台獨的軍事以及外交行動與打壓中國大陸境內政治民主運動後,該會開始對於中國大陸政府猛烈批判,但對於中國大陸災民、大陸新娘以及中國大陸罪犯,該會採取寬容與協助的宗教本質。 在政黨關係上,該會對於國民黨的不諒解最主要的原因是「1970年蔣介石要求該會退出普世教協」,但是從1987年後的媒介論述上對於國民黨的不諒解卻是集中在「1947年的二二八事件」。而本研究也發現,「二二八事件」的紀念活動有幾次是總統選舉前夕,所以該會在碰到總統選舉前夕的「二二八事件」紀念活動時,就會以「別讓二二八事件重演」為題,為民進黨候選人拉票,目的在提醒選民「傾中」的國民黨或其他藍營候選人若是當選,不論是國民黨或是中國大陸政府都有可能讓「二二八事件」重演。對於民進黨整體而言,該會採取寬容的態度。雖然該會內部也有對該會政治立場偏綠的質疑,但是這些聲音都敵不過該會當權派主流的聲音而被忽略,進而導致《台灣教會公報》論述的轉向而產生了偏向。 本研究發現長老教會在民生經濟方面的政治立場是關懷弱勢、注重環境保護與倡導經濟公義。這三個重要的主題其實都是源自於該會對於原住民生存權的關心,然後經過教會組織的分化變成獨立的關懷方向與個體。從本研究量化分析來看,《台灣教會公報》關於環境正義的文章有減少的趨勢,但是《新使者》較為深入的分析取向的文章卻明顯增多,由此可知該會認為環境正義的論述需要更多篇幅與更深入的分析;從質化的角度來看,在李登輝執政時期該會對於原住民的環境生存權擴展為從根本探討人與環境共生、環境使用權與人權的議題。但是經濟公義的文章不論是在《台灣教會公報》或是《新使者》都有逐漸增多的趨勢,本研究認為這與該會經濟公義的議題由國內經濟不平等推展至國際間貧富差距擴大有關。以該會反對ECFA、反對美國牛肉反對進口農產品以及支持將落後國家債務歸零的態度綜合來看,本研究認為很明顯可以看出該會對於批判全球化與自由經濟貿易的立場。 在宗教與社會方面,本研究發現長老教會在蔣經國以及李登輝執政時期因為不信任國民黨所以反對宗教法,而在陳水扁執政時期因為需要獲得更多政府資源與認可所以積極參與宗教法的制定。但是要解決宗教內部法規與政府法規衝突的宗教法本研究發現一直以來都沒有解決,原因在於長老教會認為教會的位階高於政府,以及總會內部事業應遵守總會規定。但是政府法規的位階不可能低於宗教內部法規,導致法規衝突無法順利解決,最好的例子就是該會所屬彰化基督教醫院的院長任命案。此外,該會與同屬基督教其他教派的關係上,本研究發現該會與國語教派的緊張關係源自於省籍而導致的政治立場不同;雖然統一教有部分教義與基督教重疊,但是該會並不認為統一教是基督教的教派。而該會與不同宗教的關係上,本研究選擇同屬佛教的釋昭慧法師、星雲法師以及慈濟來做分析,其中發現該會在上帝(神佛)主權與慈善的理念與釋昭慧法師契合;本研究發現該會對於星雲法師不同的政治立場並未強力批判,而是改以分析的方式做論述;而該會與慈濟的衝突主要源自於宣教競爭。 本研究除了藉由《台灣教會公報》與《新使者》政治論述的質與量以及特定類型論述分析了長老教會政治立場之內容及其轉變之外,也發現該會的政治意識型態已經導致《台灣教會公報》與《新使者》報導方向與內容的偏向。經由深度訪談的資料本研究獲知這兩個媒體的記者都明確知道該會的政治立場以及報導必須遵循的偏向,原因是除了因為迎合媒介主的政治立場之外,就是因為這兩個媒體從業人員都是該會教友,認為台灣媒體生態被藍營以政治經濟手段控制,導致綠營的媒體資源有限,綠營支持者無法獲得所需要的媒體訊息,所以他們本著宗教關懷弱勢的信念給予綠營及其支持者更多的媒體空間。本研究贊同傳播學者鄭貞銘認為的「重建新聞道德,改善台灣媒體亂象是新聞從業人員最重要的責任」,而中立客觀也是新聞道德中最重要的環節之一,無論是媒介主或是新聞從業人員都必須積極遵守,善盡媒體是社會公器的角色,還給閱聽眾真知的權利。


Previously the methodology of depth interview on political issues is used regarding many researches of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. However, in this research, I found that during the interviews, many core members avert political standpoints and parties’ tendencies. Thus the essay will begin from the description and argument, which means that the information is referred from Taiwan Church News No. 1825 to No. 3039 and from the New Messenger No. 1 to No. 117 in a quantitative and qualitative way, to analyze the political discourses and the contents and transformation of Consciousness state of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. I found that although many senior core members of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan have had the inclination of the independency of Taiwan in their political standpoints long time ago, the key point which makes independency of Taiwan become the consensus of most people and Medium time-point locates in The case of Tsai and Hsu. And when the senior member, Lung-Kuang Lo, became the general manager, he thought that “Joining U. N. in the name of Taiwan” is the best way to achieve independency of Taiwan, participate in international political arena, and make Taiwan protected by U.N. Facing the fact that the concept of independency of Taiwan cannot be realized when KMT ruled Taiwan and that KMT holds the majority of the Congress when DPP hold the reins of government, the association the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan gave up Theocracy, the religion’s points of view and start to push referendum. After China express objection against independency of Taiwan, adopt military and diplomatic actions to refine the independency of Taiwan movement, and suppress the democracy movements inside China, the association the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan started to vigorously criticize China. On the other hand, the association the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan selects tolerant attitudes on victims of a natural disasters, brides, and criminal from China. Regarding political parties’ relationship, the main reason why the association did not forgive KMT was that “in 1970 Kai-shek Chiang asked the association to leave World Council of Churches”. But since 1987, the media argument about the unforgivable part concentrates on “228 event in 1947”. I also found out that the memorial activities of “228 event” were before the eve of President Election. So when the condition above came before the election of President, the association will use the subject of “do not let the 228 event happen again” to increase the votes of DPP candidates and to remind the neutral voters that if the candidates of KMT which inclines to China are elected, the “228 event” may repeat under the governance of KMT or China. For KMT as a whole, the association adopts a tolerant attitude. Even though the internal part of association questioned the association itself has preference on DPP, these voices were ignored because they cannot stand off the “main stream” of the association. Consequently this causes the bias of Taiwan Church News. I also found that the association’s political stand points over Livelihood economy are taking care of the weak, emphasizing environmental protection, and proposing economic justice. These three important subjects arise from the care toward native Taiwanese’s right to subsistence and then via the organization of the association they become independent directions of care and individuals. From the research’s quantitative analysis, there’s a decreasing trend on the number of articles about environmental justice. However, in the New Messenger, the deep analysis oriented articles increased obviously so we know the association asserts that there should be more space and more thorough analysis on the print pages regarding descriptions of environmental justice. In qualitative perspective of views, during the ruling of Teng-hui Lee’s government, the association’s concern expanded from environmental right to subsistence to fundamentally investigate on the co-existence between humans and environment, environment usage and human rights. On the other hand, the number of articles in Taiwan Church News or the New Messenger regarding environmental justice is tended to increase. This may be related to change of issues regarding the economic justice from unfairness of domestic economy to magnification of international poverty gap. To summarize the attitudes of the organization that it opposes ECFA, oppose beef from the US, oppose the import of agricultural product, and support the nulling operation of impoverished countries’ debt. In religion and society’s perspective of views, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan opposed the Religion Law in Jin-kuo Chiang and Teng-hui Lee’s Presidency because they don’t trust KMT. When Shui-pien Chen governed Taiwan, the association actively participated in the draw up of the Religion Law in order to get more government resource and acknowledgement. However the conflict between the religions’ internal regulations and government laws remains unsolved. The reason is that the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan asserts that the rank of a communion should be higher than a government and the internal business of Headquarter should comply with the regulations of Headquarter. Nevertheless the priority of government law will not be lower than the religions’ internal regulations and finally caused the conflicts of regulations and Inextricability. The best example is the appointment of the Chairman of Chunghwa Christian Hospital which belongs to the association. Besides, in terms of the relationship between the organization and the communion which also belong to Christian religion, the tension between the organization and other Mandarin communions arises from “Birth provinces” so they have different political points. Although there are some overlaps on religious doctrines between the Unification Church and Christian religion, the associations do not regard the Unification Church is one of the communions of Christian religion. In concern with the relationship between association and other types of religions, I choose Chao-Hui Shih、Hsin-Yun, and Tzuchi in Buddhism to analyze. Among them I found the ideas of sovereignty and charity are compatible with those of Shih Chao-Hui. It is also found in the research that the association used the analyzed expressions rather than vigorously eroticization in dealing with different political points of Hsin-Yun. The main conflicts between the association and Tzuchi arise from the competition of religious propaganda. Besides through Taiwan Church News and the New Messenger’s political descriptions ’quality and quantities and the use of certain types of descriptions to analyze the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan’s political standpoints’ contents and transformation, I also found the association’s political consciousness state has resulted in the deviation of directions and contents Taiwan Church News and the New Messenger’s reports. By means of data from deep interviews, I learned that the reporters of the two media above explicitly understand the political standpoints of the association and the bias the reports must obey. Reasons are in addition to catering to media hosts’ political standpoints, and the facts that the employees of the two media, members of the association, believe that the media environment in Taiwan is controlled by KMT’s political and economic means. And this will result in the limited media resource of DPP so that DPP supporters cannot get necessary media messages. So they offer more media space to DPP and its supporters out of the belief that religious groups care about the weak. It is endorsed in the research that “to rebuild the news morality, improve the chaos of Taiwan’s media are the most important responsibilities of professionals in the news industry” thought by a scholar Chen-Ming Cheng, specialized in mass media area. Additionally, being neutral and objective is the most essential link in news morality. No matters media hosts or professionals in the news industry must abide by the rule, fulfill the responsibility that media is the public appliances of the society at their best, and return the right of knowing truth back to the audience.




