  • 學位論文


The Contradiction and Limitation of PPGIS as a Mediation of Public Sphere–A Case Study in Rural Taiwan

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


公眾參與的地理資訊系統((Public Participation Geographic Information Systems, PPGIS)的目的在於增進地理資訊系統中的民主性,並使地方社群經由PPGIS的操作過程產生培力。但是PPGIS的「公共性」意涵到目前為止,仍含糊不清,未被系統性的加以討論、定義。本文旨在以公共領域的角度理解PPGIS內涵的公共性,並討論PPGIS作為公共領域媒介的侷限與限制性。 本文分為兩大部分。首先,作者針對公共領域理論作文獻回顧並重建PPGIS的理論基礎,主要論點為將PPGIS視為受壓迫公眾進入主流的媒介。第二個部分為個案研究,作者藉由自身參與雲林縣反污染運動的經驗,討論將PPGIS應用在鄉村社會運動的情形。 最後,本研究嘗試說明,雖然在田野使用PPGIS的目的在於使社區培力,嘗試使社區出現公共領域的雛形。然而,PPGIS繼承了公共領域的限制,若在社區未具有公共領域部分元素的情況下將PPGIS引入,容易形成參與者之間的排除與對立,對在地居民形成壓迫。


Public participatory geographic information system (PPGIS) was proposed to improve a more democratic GIS and empower the local community. However, the concept of the “public” in PPGIS is still remaining ambiguous and should be discussed systematically. For this consideration, the purpose of this paper aims to examine the concept of ‘public’ that embedded in the basic theoretical foundation of PPGIS and discuss the role of PPGIS in public sphere. This research reveals the vague implication of public concept inherent in PPGIS by an empirical case study observation. Two parts construct this paper: first, we review the theories of public sphere and rebuild the theoretical foundation of PPGIS. Our main argument is that PPGIS should be defined as a mediation which bridge local issues into the mainstream discussion. Second, we performed a case study to apply PPGIS for an anti-pollution movement in Gouzao neighborhood, a small town in rural Taiwan. According to the result, we characterized the role of PPGIS and evaluated them as the proof of our arguments. In conclusion, this study showed that PPGIS is not only inherited the critics toward the public sphere theories, but also conveyed merely a fraction of public sphere. In addition, whenever experts operate PPGIS in fields, they should be aware of the limited conditions of PPGIS and the actual role that PPGIS plays in public sphere.


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