  • 學位論文


The Dialectic of Temporality and Immortality: Memory in William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads

指導教授 : 林耀福


本篇論文擬探討威廉.華茲華斯《抒情歌謠集》中的段時與永時之間的辯證關係。這兩個觀念之間,所存在的辯證關係,主要是憑藉著華茲華斯詩中的回憶機制。華茲華斯詩中的回憶機制本身,是以各式樣貌呈現,見諸如下:從對於逝去時光的冥想追憶、對於亡者及見其墓誌銘的反思、死者下葬儀式的傳承遵行,以及詩作本身的形式、暗示與使命等,皆屬回憶機制所含括的範疇。 本篇論文的正文部分,分為三個章節來探討主題。首先,第一章節擬以<町騰寺>一詩作為詮釋分析的主要文本,期藉此闡述回憶與段時性之間的微妙關聯。其二,第二章節將同時討論《抒情歌謠集》中,多首具代表性的詩作,其關注的主題有死亡、墳墓與自然,依此來探討回憶與永時性之間的巧妙聯結。接續這兩章節的討論之後,第三章節將以更宏觀的角度,來勾勒出段時性與永時性在《抒情歌謠集》中延綿不絕的辯證與對話。 整體而論,本篇論文旨在闡明詩人華茲華斯,自身是如何看待諸如時間、生命與死亡,這些人心所能觸及的最根本考量;同時也要檢視華茲華斯是如何巧妙安排這些詩作於《抒情歌謠集》中的對話契機與思維關聯。此外,當我們對華茲華斯詩作中的傳統主題有了更確切的掌握之後,始得更進一步去探討其作品中段時性與永時性的辯證關係,以及回憶機制在其中所扮演的角色。


段時 永時 回憶機制 墓誌銘 人心


This paper is aimed to trace out the dialectic between temporality and immortality in Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads. The major medium that renders these two ideas dialogic rests with the discourse of memory in Wordsworth’s poems. The discourse of memory itself takes various forms: ranging all the way from meditative recollection of the past, reflection on the epitaph and monument of the deceased, implementation of the burial ritual, and to the form, implications, and vocation of poetry per se. This paper is divided into three chapters along with a substantial introduction and a succinct conclusion. In the first chapter, the poem “Tintern Abbey” would serve as the chief text for our scrutiny and analysis to bring out the subtle relationship between memory and temporality. In the second chapter, a number of poems, mostly dedicated to the motifs of death, grave, and nature, would be brought into our discussion to clarify the delicate link between memory and immortality. Following the discussion of the preceding two chapters comes the third chapter, which is aimed at an elaboration of the ongoing rapport between temporality and immortality through a comprehensive overview of all those potentially interlocked poems in Lyrical Ballads. As a whole, this paper will clarify how Wordsworth addresses himself to the most fundamental consideration of time, life and death, and their influences on the human heart, as are adroitly arranged and represented in his Lyrical Ballads. Also, it is based on a thorough understanding of these conventional motifs that we could move forward to examine the dialectic of temporality and immortality, mostly through the medium of memory, in Wordsworth’s poetry.


temporality immortality memory epitaph heart poetry


Works Cited
Primary Sources
Wordsworth, William. William Wordsworth: Selected Poetry. Eds. Gill, Stephen, and Duncan Wu. Great Britain: Oxford UP, 2008.
---. William Wordsworth: Selected Prose. Ed. John O. Hayden. New York: Viking Penguin, 1988.
Wordsworth, William, and Samuel T. Coleridge. Lyrical Ballads. Ed. Michael Mason. Britain: Pearson Longman, 2007.
